Why be ashamed about something that people are jealous about? I love it when people ask what kind of gas mileage I get. On a good day I get about 70mpg going into work, a 20 mile drive. You should see the look on their faces!!! Ashamed? NO WAY! Besides... the Prius is damn sexy!! :eyebrows: Well... I think mine is anyway
Same in Sacramento. I think it happens everywhere. Just watch how that person that cut you off goes and cuts others off. Don't take it personal until they flip you off. lol
Simple solution would be to get some PRIAGRA... Don't forget, if you run in EV mode for more than 4 hours, see your Tech/Service Writer immediately. OTOH, maybe a new pair of shoes would help: Sepatu Pria GRA 500 (Indonesia)
Well, these people are idiots. Ignore them. Strange, I don't get any sort of feeling like that with my CT200, every single person who has seen it and the interior has loved it, most don't even realize it's a Prius with a big 'L' on it or that it's a hybrid. But even if someone dissed my car the feeling would be gone the next time I hit the gas pump, in a week or two. ;] I drive 30k miles per year (for work), and this thing is saving me over $300/month. It handles really decently, is the quietest car I've ever owned, and has enough power to get on the freeway. Those monster truck morons that pass you? Guess what, you'll pass them while they fill up for gas, AGAIN.
Never, I have had a wide variety of cars from roadsters to SUVs to V8 powered luxury cars and I am probably the most happy with this car than any of them...I could care less what others think as a married father of two small kids. Funny thing is my neighbors laughed back in February when I traded a Sequoia (which I LOVED) for the Prius. Their minivan had a transmission fail in May...and what do you think they came home with? A brand new black Prius. They almost made it seem like this car was a dream that finally came true for them, hahaha.
Yesterday there were 2 silver Prii in front of me and 1 behind. My new Prius is also silver. That is when I felt ashamed. I should have gotten blue. It's getting to the point where it seems every 3rd car is a Prius around LA- and for that I'm a little ashamed that we are all looking like drones driving the same car.
Bet you're not feeling too ashamed when it costs only 30 something bucks to fill up ... instead of 50, 60, 70 ...
I agree. Whenever gas prices go up, Prius drivers are seen as smart, forward-thinking people.With less than $4:00 a gallon, Prius drivers are seen and sometimes called "Greenies". It's only a matter of time before we are introduced to $5:00 a gallon. So, a 25 gallon tank will cost a cool $100.00 bucks per fill up.
Maybe Prius drivers are just a bit more sensitive (and I mean this in a good way). I suspect there aren't many threads like this on wwwfuelguzzlingSUVdotcom.
So long as you are happy with your purchase at the end of the day that is all that matters, take these people for a drive, show them your gas bills and make notes of your Mpg and if all this fails tell them you bought the Prius to save money and for the safety, not to do 0-100 in 3 seconds while using 4 gallons of gas to achieve this.Do their cars get the same millage, have the same roomy interior with 7 airbags for an on road price under $25,000. Some people just don't get why people chose a Pruis over other makes and models but contiue to complain how expensive their car costs to run. One day they might get it.
Last night I went out to dinner with a buddy and his wife. I had him drive the Prius so I could ride as a passenger for the first (and likely only) time. She was gushing about the car and he was also impressed. I told him the only real drawback compared to his current cars, Pontiac Vibe and Torrent, was the lack of cargo space for when his wife goes to garage sales and brings home OPJ - other people's junk. Somehow, he didn't feel this was an issue. When his wife wouldn't stop talking about the car all evening, he eventually turned to me and said "Look what you've started. Thanks for nothing."