Can anyone recommend a thread/link on how to replace the inverter water pump? I have 140,000 miles on my 08 Prius and all of the warning lights came on today and the car subsequently shut itself down. After towing it home the car started and drove fine. I'm assuming that the inverter cooled down in transit and that the water pump is shot. Is this a fair assumption or should I be concerned about something else? I have not changed the 12v battery yet either. I was planning on replacing the back struts this weekend but it looks like I'll have to bounce down the road until next weekend and try to fix the major problem first Rather than assume that the inverter coolant pump has failed, it is easy enough to look at the inverter coolant reservoir when the Prius is READY. If you see turbulence then the pump is working. Also, now that Toyota issued an LSC for older 2G models on the inverter coolant pump, even if your car is not covered by the LSC you may be able to ask for financial help from Toyota on the pump replacement, if in fact that is your car's problem.
I had my HV Electric Water Pump replaced under open recall @ 111,906 miles. Last week, I got a maintenance indicator. I took it in at 116,965 miles, and was told the water pump was leaking. It was replaced for over 500 dollars. Is the HV Water pump that was recalled the same water pump I just replaced? They replaced a part called a water pump assembly. Did I get hosed?
No, at least not for that :_> The inverter coolant pump replacement is now free for many. The engine coolant ("water") pump is a separate animal, which by co-incidence also seems to have a lifetime of less than ten years.
Well, it's WINDY as heck here today (and 100 degrees to boot), and I had a craving for a burrito. Didn't want to take the motorcycle (see aforementioned temperature) so I hopped in the Prius and headed out. The highway I take to go into Austin runs straight East/West, and the wind was coming directly from the north, with the weather sites showing 30+MPH. I got about 10 miles toward town and got the ! light and engine light, but everything seemed to be running fine. I pulled off into a parking lot and shut down, then checked everything under the hood. Everything looks fine. Started back up, and the warning lights were still on, so I headed to my destination knowing there was an AutoZone right across the street. Now I noticed that the AC compressor was not running. hmmm... I achieve the status of a stuffed belly, thanks to Chipotle, and then head over to AutoZone and get the code read. Yep. Inverter Cooling System Efficiency error (P0A69, was it? Their code reader had the text of the code). Figured it was due to the wind. From there I started heading home... and the AC was actually working. Well, that lasted for about 5 miles. So I decided I'd hit the AutoZone in Elgin and possibly pick up a scanner and reset that sucker. Same highway, except going East this time... so likely not a lot of air flow through the grill. NOW... I start braking to make the turn into AutoZone, and BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP! The ABS system shuts off, and the brakes are purely friction now! Great! Well, they had some code readers, but they are more expensive than I want... so I decide to swing by a friend's house on the way home. He lives on the next street... but would be asleep right now since we both work nights (I'm on days this week). Luckily his roommate was up, and I grabbed his code reader. Now I have a P2238! I cleared it and went the 1 block back to the house, and the code popped again right as I pulled into the drive. P2238. Kinda odd I'd get the P2238 right after getting the Inverter Cooling System code. I'm gonna clear it all out and see what it does in the morning on the way in to work. If I get any more codes, I'll ride the motorcycle until I can coordinate getting it up to a stealership. BTW, it's an 09 with 29k on the odometer. Still under warranty. And to clarify, the first code read at AZ only had the Inverter Code, no others. When I got to the friend's house, I did still have the inverter code, but also the P2238. I reset it then, but when I got to my house, it was reading only the P2238.
Also forgot to mention that I looked up the P2238 and know what it is. That's why I was a little confused when I got that code, too. It's not related to the inverter at all.
29K, less than 3 years-- Just take it to the dealer. Everything is covered under warranty. There's some weird stuff going on there.
If the dealer weren't 50 miles away, and I didn't have to work days all this week.... Cleared the codes, if it pops again, I'll see about taking it up there on Saturday.
Prius is at the dealer today. I cleared the alerts on Sunday and they didn't return on Monday, but yesterday on the way home from work it alerted again. I cleared it and went to work today. Called the dealer on my lunch to make sure I could get a loaner, and they said as long as I got there by 5. Got there a little after 4, and made sure the alert popped again. They'll be replacing the inverter pump and making sure any recalls are done. Until tomorrow, I have a Camry. I don't like it much, but the fully adjustable power seats are nice.
Forgot to update, I got the Prius back the next day. Dealer was VERY quick about the whole deal. It was pretty painless (except using their courtesy computer to print a copy of my insurance card... THAT was painful!) and quick. The ticket showed 1 hour of labor, the pump and coolant. I'll be taking the car to them if I should ever have any further issues... they were also the closest to the office anyway. (Charles Maund in Austin, TX)
As an aside, John Galt is a character from an Ayn Rand Novel; I'd like to be involved in a debate between John Galt and Leonard Read (Author of "I, Pencil").