My cousin has business associates who work for both Polk Audio and for Crutchfield. I recently purchased a pair of Polk Audio DXi 650 coaxial speakers and Dynamat Xtreme Door Kits (they haven't arrived yet). I told my cousin my intent was to replace all four speakers and sound deaden first. Then when I had the extra coin I would replace the HU and add an amp and a nice sub. BOTH of his friends told him the same two things: 1) Don't try to power the Polk Audio speakers with the stock HU. They said I could easily mess up the speakers AND the HU doesn't have the power to get any decent sound out of them. 2) Don't add any amps or subs to a Prius. They said that electric cars don't do well with adding the extra loads on the battery. They said no caps either. What does the forum think? Does adding the extra load to the big Prius battery take away from its longevity? Does the extra load affect MPGs? To those who have installed aftermarket speakers, HUs, amps, and subs, what is your experience? Or, do you not care because sound is more important than mileage and longevity? Thanks, John
Where are you going to put these speakers? I hope not in front doors... You can't expect good sound from $30 set... My advise to you is to spend some time reading some threads here at PC... you'll find alot of useful information and answer for most of your questions above.
$30 set? What do you mean? The Polk Audio DXi 650's are $100 a pair. Where did I ever say $30? I do want to put these in the front doors. Why is that a bad decision?
I remember that when I did my homework on speakers I saw a pair of brand new DXi 650's for $30 on eBay.. Just checked and open box (new otherwise) are $25 and another set is $39 delivered. If you put them in front doors, what you're going to do with dash speaker? How you're going to balance them if their sensitivity is different? How you will wire both in case you want to keep dash speaker? With new speakers your radio may sounds worse than it was with OEMs... You'll better go with components in the front. It is not that simple as just to pop in any speaker. Even very expensive speakers may sound flat if they are not adjusted/installed properly or the HU/amp is not good. Prii will easily handle 1000+ W as it was confirmed by many owners so just re-think your whole audio setup.
I agree that you should go with a low power set of components but if a stereo shop is doing the install they can manage the resistance load your new speakers will create. If you have the cash I would just install a good 4ch amp with enough power to run a set of components up front and a sub in the rear. You'll have a nice balanced system. You can do the speakers and amp first then add the sub when you can afford it. I 'veran over 1,900 watts (RMS) for 4yrs with zero issues.
i think in the past they've used a prius used as a generator to provide power for a house when the power was out. i think if that's okay to do, an amp should be okay. one time some guy told me i couldn't use 205 tires because the 'hybrid system' couldn't handle it. bull-effing-shit
Hi xamnosidda, :rockon: I love it when people tell me that something technical can't be done. I enjoy proving them wrong. Observe: Link The subs hit so hard, the reflections in the mirrors get distorted ! No voltage problems here either. Sometimes I think people come up with creative answers rather than just admitting they do not want to do the work. I have done other mods as well: Using the backup camera for a blind spot camera: Link (& scroll up) Adding a parallel seat heater switch: Link JDM Mirrors: Link Replaced all inside and some outside bulbs with White LEDs I hope this helps or gives you some ideas! There are some great folks in PC, and just about anything you can think of doing with your Prius probably has already been done! Try the search tool and select the appropriate form! Great stuff! .
from original post: 2) Don't add any amps or subs to a Prius. They said that electric cars don't do well with adding the extra loads on the battery. They said no caps either.
"What does the forum think? Does adding the extra load to the big Prius battery take away from its longevity? Does the extra load affect MPGs? To those who have installed aftermarket speakers, HUs, amps, and subs, what is your experience? Or, do you not care because sound is more important than mileage and longevity?" I call Bull Sh-t! A 1000W system will not affect your battery life or MPG to any measurable level, I know as fact. Do not piece meal your installation. Set a budget that will meet the level of quality you want. Determine "all components" ahead of time, following all the rules for a matched ballanced system (ohms, volts, resistance, amps, capacitance and impedance). Definitely use Dynamat or some other sound barrier for the doors and hatch. Save your money to do the installation all at once. Your cousin and two friends don't know what they are talking about, but don't tell 'em that. Discounts from Crutchfield , Polk or where ever are a very good thing . Many here and elsewhere have done this including myself, and I do use a capacitor. The Prius interior is capable of pure sound quality when done right, and it's not magic.
Thanks frodoz737. I haven't received any discounts from either Polk or Crutchfield (I wish I did), but my cousin and his friend have quite a bit of experience installing 12v electronics; but none with the Prius. I think they are basing their recommendations on what they have heard from others. I was going to just upgrade the speakers first but my cousin said the exact same thing you did. Wait until I have enough coin to get everything I want and have it installed all at the same time. I'm going to Dynamat all four door myself and leave the total install to the professionals. Thanks all for your advice.
Adding the sub later is not a big issue. The sub and enclosure are expensive so doing the rest of the system first is cost effective and you get to enjoy part of the upgade while save for the rest. The installer will simply run a wire to the hatch area, tape it off and hide it under the floor mat untill you buy the sub. I sold and installed high end car audio for over a decade. This is a very common practice.
That's a good idea. I've been debating about a sub/amp vs. no sub/amp. It would be good to get a feel for the system anyway to see if I'd even want it for my listening taste. I don't want a lot of bass. Just decent volume and clarity. Although I know a sub and amp doesn't necessarily mean there will be a lot of bass. It certainly cleans things up. I had a decent system a while back with two 10"s. Man, that thing sounded good!
Judas, even a small sub, as you know, will round out a system nicely. For pure sound quality you don't need a lot of bass anyway. a single high powered 8" sub is good enough for that. For a small system you can use one of the tiny JL Audio or Arc Audio 4 channel amps to power your front speakers and a small subwoofer like the Orion XTR 10" . If you decide not to do the sub later on you can put the rear channels on the amp to a set of rear speakers for more volume and/or rear fill. In this way you're not wasting a bunch of money. If you are sure you want a sub then get a higher power 4 or 5 channel amp or a dedicated sub amp. The amps are so small now that room is not much of an issue.
...and that's exactly what I was thinking, a 8" would probably be perfect. Subs sure do clear things up. The old system I had sounded even better than my home stereo system at the time. Blew me away. And I'm sure they sound much better these days. Thanks for the info, it's much appreciated.