I am about to finalize my order for a 2006 Barcelona Red Prius (actually put a down payment in on October 27. Since I don't want delivery until the spring (no point subjecting a new car to a Canadian winter prematurely), I can still make changes to the configuration I ordered. Can anyone tell me of their experience with the side window visors? Of what utility are they? Are they durable etc.??
I installed visors ordered through Carson's Toyota. They have little impact on glare, but they significantly decrease the wind and rain in the face when driving with the window part way down. So far there has been no issue with durability. I have had them about 6 months. They can be a bit tricky to clean under at the car wash.
If these are outside visors, how much of a hit do the visors do to the Prius’ ultra low coefficient of drag (Cd)? If the manufacturer does not disclose that information, I would be very leery.
I have a set of visors and I don't recall any MPG hit during the two months I was still using the OEM tires. Same for the mudflaps over a slightly longer period...
I got the window visors dealer-installed, along with a hood deflector. The windows can be opened a little without letting the rain in, which is why I got them. They don't help with the wind buffeting that happens with only one window open at highway speeds, and they seem to create a little wind noise starting around 100kmh. They're a little tricky to clean on the underside, but none of these nitpicks would prevent me from getting them. I don't think the minimal extra wind drag would be an issue: if you're *that* concerned, you should also be taping over the body seams, making sure there's no dust on the paint, and ripping out the carpets to save weight.
I just got mine yesterday and will be installing them this weekend. I have had OEM sun visors on past vehicles and, when installed properly, are very durable and I have had no problems with them whatsoever. Cleaning them isn't as bad as everyone has said I don't believe. Also, I'm 6'2" and the sun rarely goes below my field of vision where the visors are at. So they prevent a LOT of direct sunlight from getting into my eyes from side windows. I also love to open my windows in the rain so this is really the only way to do so without getting a torrent of rain inside. You ask of what utlity they are? I'm not sure exactly what you mean. You can buy these visors for about $100 from sources and I even bought some good ones on ebay for $65. They are very easy to install, so if you wish to save some money, I would highly recommened you install them yourself. I doubt you could mess them up. Good luck with your decision!!
i've had mine on for nearly 2 years, very durable, no problems with them of any kind. utility?, virtually none IMHO. i got 'em for the look, since my car is all blacked out, wheels, windows, paint, visors, just pimped up my prius. i like it, others don't , i don't care.