When I left work one day last week the sun was out and it was about 92 degrees. I started my 26 mile commute home when at around 5 miles from my home I hit a bad storm. It got very dark and started to rain very hard. The wind picked up and it started to hail. Before I could pull off the road a huge branch hit the side of my Prius. The branch seemed to hit the side pillar and windows. When it hit I knew that there would be damage. I was surprised the side glass didn't shatter. I pulled off the road and the hail was unrelenting. Surely the aluminim hood would be damaged. The storm subsided and I immediatly drove home. When I got home I checked out the side where the branch hit. There were leaves stuck in the window track but I couldn't see any damage. I was totally amazed that here wasn't even hail damage. Yesterday I washed the car and found dents and broken paint behind the left rear side glass. It isnt very noticable but the broken paint area will rust and the dents bother me. The car is only 6 months old. If the area where the paint is broken is aluminum, it won't rust. Does anyone know if the rear pillar next to the small rear glass side window is steel or aluminum? Is barcelona Red easy to match?
WOW, you were really lucky. I am not sure what kind of material the Prius is made of. It doesn't seem to be steel, aluminum, or plastic, but a combination of something. As for matching paint, I would leave it to a professional. Sorry I couldn't help you.
Sorry to hear about your IV. Back in May large hail fell not far from where we live. I recently saw a newer Ford Edge at Trader Joe's that looked like it was in that storm. Every square inch of the top area was severely dented. It looked like a golf ball! Here's a pic of the hail taken from the news:
My understanding is the hood and rear hatch are aluminum. You could check for steel with a magnet, gently!
Maybe not. Here is what one touchup paint site has to say: "Always verify your color code on your vehicle! Do not order paint based on the paint name or color samples shown above. There can also be additional colors, especially interior, trim and wheel not shown above. Please note: The VIN does not give us your color code. It only gives us any paint formula variance in an existing color code." FWIW, the paint code for Barcelona Red is 3R3.
Thank you for your comments. I guess I could say I am lucky that the branch didnt go through the diver side window and slam me. But I am impressed how well the Prius withstood the beating with little damage. The side glass is as strong as steel.
A good body shop should be able to tint it and match it perfectly... Sorry to hear about the damage, ours was in a hail storm last year too...
I have 2 dents on the roof from an unexpected spring hail storm...can't afford a fix now, them's the breaks.
UPDATE: I took my Prius to a body shop and got an estimate for $2,180.00 which includes repairing all the damage. The rear tailight was cracked. I didnt even see it. Needs to be replaced. I have $500 deductable. I am meeting with the insurance adjuster tomorrow.