JW, Thanks for the advice. I'm not only new to this site, but also first time Pruis owner. Still learning about the website.
Hello everyone, My name is Nick, from Seattle. I am a first time Prius owner. Bought my 2003 Prius about eleven months ago. I am having an electrical problem as a couple of day of now. Several things, like check engine sign, triangle with exclamation mark in it, a car symbol with exclamation mark. After taking it to the dealership, testing came back with P3000, P3030, C1202, C1213, C1215, C1241,C1242, C1259, C1551 - any idea what these might mean. They told me that has something to do with a HV battery and that in its turn causes all these other error signals. However when I look at the battery funtionality of the dash boards, everything appears good as before. The car drives fine, sometimes powering down. If I pull over and restart, it goes again. Please help if you can, any advice?
Hi Kaminsky, Kind of funny you post that question in this thread. My first suggestion would be to read this thread: http://priuschat.com/forums/newbie-forum/73400-weird-stuff-happening-mpgs-dropping-test-battery.html If your 12V battery is original to the car then it's well into it's end of life phase. Even if it's the 2nd battery in the car it could be on the verge. - D
Update to Tideland Prius 2008 post above . . . . We have the forum's Google Search that can find words that are less than 3 letters long. When you click search on the forum tool bar you'll see a drop down with Search Forums and below that, Google Search.
THANKS, ALL!!! I am definitely a newbie, we just got our Prius 2 days ago, and we r TOTALLY in love with her!!! I have learned sooo much from just browsing this website. I really think u should include the info in the original thread in with the welcoming/confirming email sent out. For those of us who r not as internet savvy as some, it's invaluable advice. Again, thanks for all I have learned, and WILL learn... Deborah That said, I will now' search' for my ?, ........
[FONT="] [/FONT] [FONT="]Great article with excellent idea! I appreciate your post. Thanks so much and let keep on sharing your stuffs.[/FONT]
Is there a way on this forum to select thread titles you want to follow or easily view the threads that you have participated in?
Yes and Yes. First, at the top of every thread is a "Thread Tools" menu option. Click it, select "Subscribe". It will then show a page that let's you pick what kind of subscription notification you want with this thread. Select and confirm. Second, if you want to be automatically subscribed to threads you either start or post to, you can do it in your Profile options.
am new to Prius - recently purchased a JDM NHW-20 Prius. The display is in Japanese and local toyota dealership does not have any firmware / software to convert the Japanese to english - would anyone please help me sort it out. Thank you