It's the Blizzard White - the 070 - color. It came out really nice. Credit goes to Microfinish for making a nice match: Step one - rough them up with fine steel wool Step two - spray on an adhesion promoter Step three - spray the base coat Step four - spray the mid coat (the color coat) Step five - spray the gloss Step six - sand and rub them to a nice luster. I think they will do ok. I don't drive on dirt or gravel roads. I think they will be easy to re do if necessary. A note though, I have a little color on the "black side" that if I do it again, I'll mask the inside to prevent over spray - under spray, actually since I had them supported on little plastic cones and the spray bounced up. Hopefully this winters rain splashing on them will take it off.
Nicely done. Do you have a profile pic so we can see it from the side? Maybe spray paint the side of the black underbody spoiler??
Looks very good. Hopefully all of the road construction and refinishing they are doing in Roseville doesn't ruin them like is is ruining my front bumper covers, fenders and windshield. Grr