Just came back from a 2 day trip from Disneyland & Six Flags Magic Mountain the past 2 days, when I had just one of those "days" yesterday. It started right after checkout at the HoJo Hotel across the street from DLR, in the guest parking lot, when I came to my car and noticed the drivers side door was opened ajar. Red flags started popping in my head immediately. When I looked inside, I noticed the center console was wide open. I then checked the back and noticed one of my jackets was missing which was the only thing stored in the back. I opened the covered trunk compartment lid below and everything was there in place, which I figured they didn't know existed since it was in the locking position, and that I had the carpeted cover on top of it. The gas door was open and at first I was thinking that they tried to stifle some gas, but my meter was full when I started the car, so they probably thought the lever on the floor opened the back. Surprisingly I had a coin organizer that was in the center console that was all filled up yet they passed it by. Fortunately I didn't leave any electronic items as I always bring them with me and that nothing was damaged from what I could see, it could've been a lot worse. The only thing I could think of was that I forgot to lock the door, or I swiped the handle in a hurry without checking. That feeling of being violated knowing some stranger was all over my car just makes me wanna scream, which I did do on all the coasters when I got to Magic Mountain later that day. ugh! Then at Magic Mountain, we were in line waiting on Riddler's Revenge coaster's platform/station when a 4.2 quake hit which was centered a few miles away, we all felt a bit of a shake and looked at each other and asked if we all just felt it. Within a minute of it hitting, an automated announcement came on saying there was a delay, but they didn't say what, but we all pretty much knew, and confirmed looking at our smartphones. They stopped all the rides, and reopened them after about 20-30 minutes. The icing on the cake was right after I left Six Flags around 6:30pm and got pulled over for speeding right near the Grapevine area where it turns into Kern County heading NB on the 5. I figured the only time I don't drive to get the high MPGs and become a speed demon, is when I get a ticket. C'est La Vie!!
At least you weren't as stupid as I was a couple of months ago, tearing off my bumper on a perfectly obvious post in a parking lot.
Ah that sucks. I'm grateful for the backup camera, definitely alleviates some stress when parking or backing into spots. Before I had it I'd always be way off or compensated too much. Now if only there was a camera for the front...
I drive that route frequently, so I'm wondering how fast you were going? I see a lot of cars going pretty fast, so what's fast enough to draw the CHP's attention? You were in the 70 mph area, right?
You have to be driving REALLY fast in a prius on Hwy 5 to get a ticket. I always drive 80 on the GV and never had a problem.
They clocked me at 88. Bad I know:tape: On my ticket it said it was 65. I thought it was a 70 zone but I guess not.
Radar detectors help a LOT, esp. w/cops hiding parked on highway on-ramps or in front of a hill. I've been using a Valentine One since ~1997. However, if they're using laser, you're pretty much SOL. If you get a laser detection, they almost certainly have your speed already. On my trips to LA and Vegas, I get plenty of verified real radar detections, usually Ka band.
Ah I didn't even think of using one, maybe If I still had my Acura, but driving many times in the area I'm usually the one moving to the right to let people pass me. Go Figure!
the good thing is... people can't syphon gas out of a prius easily... there are 3 screens that block the way. (think it's the same for genIII)... also.. all your electronics are built in... so there is no popping out a radio or screen without completely taking apart the dash. if someone did rob your car.. they probably won't do it to a prius again unless there is something visible that they like. (since there really is nothing to steal from the car itself... without taking into garage or really dark alley way... and that's impossible since they can't ever move it without your key.)
That's good to know, at least my gas is safe. Regarding the portable electronics, the only thing I leave in the car are the car chargers for my Motorola Droid & Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1, but I do my best to make sure even those aren't visible. There is a round disc which is mounted on the dash where I mount my phone when it's on a cradle/dock since every time I try to mount it on the windshield it falls off. I just gotta be more careful and always double check that my car is locked. I'm so used to not getting the fob out since it's all touch/swipe controlled, unlike my other cars before where you had to physically take out the key fob to press the button and lock it for sure.
FYI - All of the major holiday weekends (Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Memorial Day, etc) are designated as MEP (Maximum Enforcement Period) by the CHP. They have extra patrols and are looking for DUIs in particular. That said, you have to be going pretty fast in a Prius to get noticed. :madgrin:
A mounting disc or suction cup mark on the windshield is a clue that some electronic device may be in the car & an invitation to the local lowlife. If the car is going to be stolen the easiest way is with a flatbed. Nobody pays any attention to the tow truck driver. In CA isn't it a violation of your MV Code to affix stuff to the windshield?
My first and last speeding ticket before this one was a little over 9 years ago on Memorial Day, I forgot that Labor Day was around the corner, d'oh! Like I said earlier, the time I decide to go fast and not be a hypermiler is when I get pulled :doh: I had my sunshade covering the window and my windshield inside was clean as I definitely remember hearing about suction cup marks, though I never affix anything to the windshield as it always would fall off. In CA it is ok now to affix a GPS Device on the windshield as long as it's on the side corners, or an electronic toll device (FasTrak) on the top center center 5 inches down. From CA DMV Site: V C Section 26708 Material Obstructing or Reducing Driver x2019 s View (12) A portable Global Positioning System (GPS), which may be mounted in a seven-inch square in the lower corner of the windshield farthest removed from the driver or in a five-inch square in the lower corner of the windshield nearest to the driver and outside of an airbag deployment zone, if the system is used only for door-to-door navigation while the motor vehicle is being operated (11) An electronic communication device affixed to the center uppermost portion of the interior of a windshield within an area that is not greater than five inches square, if the device provides either of the following: (A) The capability for enforcement facilities of the Department of the California Highway Patrol to communicate with a vehicle equipped with the device. ( B ) The capability for electronic toll and traffic management on public or private roads or facilities.