Citizens asked to turn turkey grease into biofuel Nov 24, 2005, 09:10 AM You've roasted your holiday turkey and drained off some of the juices and fat for making gravy. Or you've deep-fried a delicious bird in a vat of cooking oil. So how do you get rid of the frying oil or the gooey brown liquid left in the gunk-encrusted roasting pan? Most holiday cooks will pour it down the drain or in the garbage, but a Tucson-based company has another idea for local cooks: hand it over for recycling. >> Read More @ KVOA 4 Tucson
I think Changing World Technologies is converting waste turkey parts to oil at ConAgra Foods in Carthage Mo. At least they had a trial facility there. I am not sure if it is still running.
Tony: I propose those of us with a ... um ... "biofat" problem be allowed to get free liposuction. The liposuction tank could then be used to make biofuel, and we wouldn't feel so guilty about eating so much. jay
Don't throw away those brown bits in the bottom of the pan!!! Take the liquid portion and use a fat separator, while your bird is tented and resting, deglaze the pan with wine and add that to the gravy. After the fat separates you can recycle it and use the liquid portion in the gravy.