I found out today from my dealer when I picked up my licenses plats and registration tags that I am suppose to go get it inspected. Would have been nice for them to mention this before. Is this something the dealer should have done or was I being naïve assuming that since it was a new car that this something the dealer took care of. Or does it have to do with the fact that I bought it in Maryland? Has any one else had their 2004 prius inspected in Virginia? Any thing I should know before hand? Any recommendations iof decent places in the Alexandria, or Oakton areas?
What the state is looking for is a VIN inspection. If you have an emissions program in your state, you should be able to do it there. You can also contact your local DMV office to have a VIN sheet written up there. Beyond these two options, you need to contact your local government office.
I bought my car from a Virginia Dealership and they took care of getting me my inspection, registration and tags. I suspect because you bought the car in Maryland that you need to have a Va state inspection on it.
All vehicles in VA must have a state inspection tag. The previous poster was correct. If you had purchased it at a VA that dealer they would have automatically done that for you on a new vehicle. Don't forget you also have to purchase a Fairfax County sticker within 60 days of purchase if you live in the county. Easiest way is to do it online. Use your search program for Fairfax County Government. Go to tax division and it is under their options. Enjoy your new Prius.
I used to live in DC. DC required annual auto inspections at their service centers. During the inspections they stuck a hose up the exhaust to measure fumes. How would one do that on a Prius without the engine running? Install the opposite of an EV switch?
You should be able to take it to any service station that does emissions testing and state inspections. Fees are $28 for emissions and $14 for instpection if I remember correctly. Inspection should be real quick since it is new and the inspector doesnt have to pull the wheels off. According to VA DMV you might be unable to get emissions done at this time. http://www.dmv.state.va.us/webdoc/citizen/...s/emissions.asp "Vehicles assisted by clean fuel such as hybrid fuel vehicles (i.e. gasoline engines that are assisted with electricity) are not exempt from emissions requirements. However, testing will not be performed until the inspection procedures have been modified to accommodate the unique engine configuration of these vehicles. Vehicle owners will be notified when procedures are in place and inspections are required for these vehicles." Here is the link for UnFairTax County's website. (bad tax humor) I pay more to Fairfax in taxes than State and Fed combined http://www.co.fairfax.va.us/dta/vehicle_decals.htm Enjoy your Prius AA #4 ordered 4-4-4 hoping for an '04 will settle for a '05
Thanks went down and had the saftey inspection done. The look on the guys face as i expalined how to put the car in drive was great. The look when i backed out was even better as he tired to figure out why it wasn't makeing a sound
An update for those who are in Virginia: "The Honda Civic Hybrid, Toyota Prius, and Honda Insight are exempt from emissions testing." This according to the web page posted above by AA540: http://www.dmv.state.va.us/webdoc/citizen/...s/emissions.asp cool! -m.