I would be happy to post more pics or answer more questions. Any area specifically? The car otherwise looks very similar to 05s. The silver looks the same as 05s. I guess the only way to tell the difference is to have 2 car side by side.
hey kinged, thanks for the great pics. is that a little scratch and ding i see in the left front quarter panel? (just kidding......) enjoy your new baby! she (or is it a he?) looks great.
I probably should have included this info in my last post, ties in with the DMV stuff that was just mentioned. The dealership where I picked mine up from (up North from you) has one person that does all the DMV paperwork. You should be able to find out who that person is if you are really interested in making it go fast. When I talked to this person she told me she went to the DMV every Wednesday to file the paperwork. She was very happy to fax over the registration documents the next day. As soon as I had that, I sent in my FasTrack application (I don't think you need that down South). It took about 4 weeks to get my stickers, just got them this last weekend. Ken
Don't worry about FasTrack. That only applies to the Bay Area. To see if the VIN is in the system, call 800-777-0133 Options 1, 3, 2, 0 (as soon as the recording starts you can select the option) Also, suggest getting in contact with the DMV clerk at Longo. Your salesperson might tell you things are really being rushed, but the DMV clerk might have their own timetable. If you can establish a direct relationship with that person and explain that DMV is getting close to the 50,000 mark, that might help.
Hi Kinged, you have a beautiful car! Nice pictures. What do the seats look like? Are they perforated leather?
IF you take more pics to post, I'd appreciate one from the front that shows the "chromed" bar in the grille. The tree cast too much shade on the front in the one pic you put up. Does it LOOK like chrome (bright)? Thanks.
Well since you offered, yes more pics - Of seats, inside center consol, of nav and other screen shots like AC, speedometer, of emblems outside by lights, close up of front and rear lights, etc etc. Kind of like on eBay motors - they take pics of everything: engine, each door, buttons sutff like that. Thanks so much! The car is beautiful! Congratulations!!
What I`m wondering: Is the bluetooth quality improved over the '05 model? The half duplex just isn`t working really well. (I`m seriously hoping I`ll be driving a prius for work in a few months )
Hi Kinged, Congratulations again. Thanks for the pictures and if possible do send us some more pictures of high resoulution Navigation system etc., as requested by other members.
I know you're getting lost of questions on your new car... but here's one more The 06's have mp3/wma capability, but is that with all 6 cd slots? is that compartment under the stereo filled with something or is it still available for other add-ons? Thanks...
Hi Kinged, Can you give us a pic of the leather interior? I'm curious how dark the charcoal grey is. On the Toyota website it looks almost black. Thanks and congrats. Rob
Thanks to all who posted DMV info for me. I will post more pictures tomorrow. I wonder how many it will take to satisfy all. Q: The 06's have mp3/wma capability, but is that with all 6 cd slots? is that compartment under the stereo filled with something or is it still available for other add-ons? A: I believe all 6 slots will work. I have tried 2 so far, there is only 1 same player. The compartment under the stereo is empty. Q: What I`m wondering: Is the bluetooth quality improved over the '05 model? The half duplex just isn`t working really well. A: I don't have old one to compare, but it sounds good over the speaker when in park. I have yet to try it on freeway. Q: congratulaions. by the way did they change the seats from the 2005 model? A: I don't have 05, but seats are simple, only slide forward and lean back. I guess it should not be different from 05.