This is my first post, and not a good one. I just bought an '08 that was represented as a touring model and it turns out it's not. What should I do? Thanks in advance.
Why do you think it's not? Does it have the slightly longer rear spoiler? The 16" wheels? I believe the springs were slightly stiffer, very slightly, but other than that there aren't any other differences of which I'm aware.
I just found the original window sticker and it's a base #3 package. I checked the tires and they're 15's, No HID's, no fog lights. I was really interested in having the stiffer suspension and 16" wheels
If you have documentation claiming that it is a Touring version, and can show that the car is not, then the dealer has misrepresented the sale item. First, give them an opportunity to unwind the entire deal. If that doesn't work, contact your state's consumer protection agency.
You wanted 16 inch wheels, Hid's and fogs but purchased 15 inch wheels, Halogens and plastic inserts for fogs???
I've heard some people here claim that it's not uncommon for non-tourings to be misrepresented as has happened w/the OP. Buyer of a used cars need to always do their homework.
See my thread from 2009:
How long ago did you buy the car? If it was recently you should be able to get your money back - if there was a trade that car would still need to be available. Otherwise if it were me I'd figure out the difference in price between the touring and non-touring models and see if they would give me that value in future service - oil changes, tire rotations, etc.
Unwind the deal. Ask for you money back. Since you wanted the suspension upgrade, there is no point in keeping the car. Dealers can determine the original option packages based on VIN number.
So how often do they mistakenly undersell a car as a base model when it's, in fact, a Touring? Probably not very often!
This remiinds me of a Ziggy cartoon. Ziggy has an alligator on a leash and is saying, "The guy who sold it to me said it was a collie, but I don't think it's a pure blood." Just sayin.
Simply... Your first step would be to express your concerns and discovery to the dealer. You haven't told us in your post whether this was a Toyota dealership, or other dealership, or a car lot... But I would say the very first step is to calmly talk to the seller and perhaps before anything escalates you can hopefully agree on a remedy that would make you happy. If not? Good becomes a potential battle.
get your full money back or tell them to give you a touring suspension, 16" wheels/tires, fog lights, larger spoiler and xenon headlamps with ballast and headlight level sensor (this will cost them $5000+labor if they are a toyota dealership or $7000 out the door if they are not a toyota dealership). I've got xenons on my 04 and 05 and I wouldn't be caught dead driving a car without being able to look cool at night.
That's dealers for you. My dealer told me the puris does 135mph. And it's easy to get 72 mpg. I know more about the Prius after a week of ownership that he will know in a lifetime, thanks to this forum. I bought mine in the rain, never a good scenario, on the basis the bodywork was PERFECT. two days later I noticed a bad touchup on the front of the car. I had to threaten to return the car, and demand my money back to get them to fix it, and that's from a Toyota dealership. You live and learn, and I have to say although I don't respect the dealer, I love the car. Already getting 58.4 mpg. And thats my calcs, not the cars. Jimbo.
If you wanted the bigger rims and flash, you obviously knew it existed. So were you blindfolded when they gave you the car and made you sign paperwork? Sometimes you must be in control of your own actions.