A house in my neighborhood has a pair of shoes with laces tied together thrown over telephone line. What do you think it means. There are vehicles coming and going all the time.
I believe it's a standard practical joke to throw someone's shoes over a phone line or power cable that way. It also might be some shithead who thinks it's a funny way to dispose of a worn-out pair of shoes. There are people who enjoy making public places ugly. Near where I used to live in North Dakota there was a farmer who "decorated" his fence (about a half-mile stretch along the highway) by inverting an old boot over each post. I always supposed he did it while drunk and never sobered up enough to be sufficiently embarrassed about it to take them off. In the case of your neighborhood, I don't think it means anything except that some jackass was there.
The fence posts in your link are art. And very nice art at that. Old boots are just garbage. "Decorating" fence posts with garbage just makes the public highway ugly.
It's always the eye of the beholder that decrees the difference between art and junk, Daniel. From your description I think I might have enjoyed the whimsy of those old boots on fenceposts, even half a mile of them. Here's a nostalgic look back at another junk pile, or "junque" pile, depending on the eye (one I still miss, as it was only five miles from where I live) --- Gone But Not Forgotten: Emeryville mudflat sculptures : The Poop
I can assure you he has trouble with his neighbors about his 'art'. So far, he has solved the problem by buying his neighbors property. That is why there are so many homes on his farm.
He is simply repurposing the boots. The end grain of a fence post is where most of the damaging water gets in to the lumber. Protecting the the top from rain extends the post's life. He could have used a paint/sealer or used more wood/plastic/ metal for caps, but using boots that would have gone into the trash is greener.
A friend of mine talked about encasing his own crap in clear acrylic and calling it art. I'm sure some folks would have raved about it. These were steel fence posts supporting two strands of electric fence wire. And before you suggest that the boots would protect the insulators from rain, in North Dakota the wind is constant and rain comes down at an angle.
It means some poor little kid had his shoes stolen off his feet and tossed where they can't be retrieved easily. Bullys are assholes!
Well I got curious about this activity and climbed on to my roof and peered over the fence....neighbor has numerous homemade greenhouses and ta da....marijuana plants in em. I had a suspicion now it is confirmed. Unsure if I should make a scene or not?
My other suggestion was these were boots the farmer and others had worn working the land, and this is simply a monument to the service they provided.
Shin Chan, Well, I would seriously consider anonymously reporting something so the police or narcotics division would investigate, because the continuous & constant criminal activity of drug dealing right next door to you could eventually lead to damage//vandalism/robbery to your property or physical harm to you or your family. Again, I would be careful to do the reporting anonymously so there is no revenge taken against you by the buyers when their source of pot dries up. You could falsely identify yourself as an ultralight pilot who had been flying over (with binoculars on board) who saw something suspicious so took a closer look with the binoculars & it seems to be pot. Hopefully the neighbor didn't see you on the roof, otherwise he might be able to figure out who reported him. That's why I suggested you claim to be a pilot of a slow low-flying aircraft (ultralight shouldn't have to file a flight plan or obey air traffic control rules, but a helicopter might, so don't say anything about a helicopter or there might be other problems with the FAA). Also, don't forget to block your phone number from being displayed on caller ID (or use a pay phone if they still exist in your area). Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
A monument to farmers in farm country where everyone is either farming or providing service to farmers? Unnecessary IMO. Again, it just uglifies half a mile of highway. Made me want to barf every time I drove by. Fortunately, I don't live there any more.
Depends Bra... Do they have a medical permit for pot... the cops could verify that they do, and if they do have one, there isn't anything they are doing wrong until they sell the weed to someone or give it to someone not living in the house and without a permit.
You shock me. You have proudly never heard of any band made after 1965. You proudly never watch teevee. Which is why I'm shocked you're not more open about Outsider Art.
First used to show where the open drug markets were ,the smart nice person copy kids decided to have fun. Then it went nuts like tagging ,saw it every few blocks. Like the power company has time to cut them all down.