The prius was one of the characters of slacker 2011, the independent film honoring slacker. The prius was the second vehicle in the first segment, after the pedicab. Its used in an unusual way, but they chose the prius because its one of the big changes in transportation in Austin since the first film. They also have a guy modifying his diesel to run on baby oil.
Re: prius in anouther movie - slacker 2011 Right on. That's what I thought. Less people less burned carbon less global warming. And there is that john and kate +8, if we made oil out of some of those kids there would be less bad television. Well maybe not, I've only really seen them on TMZ. But then I ran into the guy at the after party, and he told me we can't make baby oil out of real babies anymore. Someone said it was because of the republicans. Hell Bush wouldn't even let us use stem cells. Those wimpy nice person democrats would all be lets save the babies, if the republicans didn't step in, or we shouldn't use Chinese baby oil. They could sell it to us after they make those baby energy pills No one in the government cares about the environment.
Re: prius in anouther movie - slacker 2011 What about the dugers 19 kids and there is some good baby oil there?