Spent some time today wrapping door sills and armrest (WRX) today. It was my first time doing it, but it came out better than expected...
Nice Work There are also loads of how to do its on You Tube I have found that 3M Primer 94 helps a lot on the edges and areas that residual tension might eventually pull up. It really helps on polypropylene/polyethylene and there is a lot of that in a Prius interior. It also helps quite abit on ABS and polycarbonate which covers most of the rest of the hard plastics in a Gen III Prius The primer is pricey at about $20 for 1/2 pint delivered form eBay vendors but 1/2 pint is enough to do a few cars interiors if you only use it on the edges and tough spots.
xs650, what is the best way to remove the primer from Prius interior? what kind of solvent would you recommend for removing the primer? I also have a roll of 3M 1080 which seems easier to work with.
Cheapest real stuff I saw on ebay the two times I bought mine was Metro Restyling. Their service was good and quick. I have seen much lower prices claimed but the two I checked on weren't real 3M DiNoc. The is much cheaper stuff usually only says DiNoc and not 3M. I just looked on eBay and Metro Restyling runs about $6/sq-ft if you but 8 or so sq feet. The cheaper stuff might possibly be good, but considering the amount of work involved to install a lot of it, I'm not willing to take the risk.