On the political threads that go to Fred's House of Politics: 1. It's because at least a few people refuse to stop. 2. The members they make uncomfortable are not going to quietly take it - leading to an endless cycle of flames. 3. Ideal solution would be either toning it down or agreeing to disagree, but at least one member is in a "take no prisoner" mode - the war continues. 4. This leaves the best realistic solution - put it in Fred's House of Politics. I see the religion threads at least as volatile as the political threads going to Fred's House of Politics - they should have gone there from the start and for all the same reasons. A number of members are colored by such flamewars - I'd rather be known for other things and was as lately as six months ago. Back when I joined, it was to find out about things like the Prius PHV.
We're not crying about the religious side of your critical attacks. If we were we'd be flagging the mod's every time you all post and as far as i'm concerned that don't happen, ask a Mod. We're raising our voices because we're tired of the vitriolic ad hominem attacks. Something the rules on this site forbid but somehow escapes the Mod's notice. Probably because we don't run off to the Mod's and complain and I understand their busy, probably an understatement, but none-the-less they must have read at least one and that would be sufficient to put them on notice as to the very nature of these threads. IIRC, I haven't come across one thread and only a few posts that are proselytizing Christian values or beliefs in nature. The nature of almost all if not all religious threads on PC is attack attack attack religion, ignore all the good they do, dredge up stuff from hundreds and thousands of years ago and paint PC members as uneducated violent murderers. Would you remain silent if I painted you as this? After all there's plenty of atheist history of the same brand out there.
I'd say more so since the Mod's have let it continue but that could be because we're adults and don't run to them each time we're offended and that's just me. Your responses to these attacks has been fair and balanced and has ameliorated some of mine, Thank you.
Well, it was originally posted as a joke, however, I do believe discussions about the PRIUS and hybrid related technology is the intended focus of this Forum, not Religious or Political POVs. So quite honestly I think we should stick to the intended topic of this Forum. I'm sure there are a myriad of Religious and Political Forums on the internet that would welcome your POV on those topics! Just sayin...
Nope! I mean Chatting about Prius! Thus the name PriusChat... I didn't think I was speaking in riddles... :humble:
I agree. I think we should talk more about muffins. You drive your Prius to a place that sells yummy muffins, thus... PriusChat (aboutmuffins).com. Unfortunately, parentheses aren't allowed in URLs, thus it is shortened to PriusChat.com.
I would be happy if they flipped the House of Pancakes out the window. Can't figure why these cargroups allow forums for politics and other non car issues. Just a place for all those wingnuts out there to vent their views on everybody. The least the administrators can do is separate "pancakes posts " from the "unread posts".
I would like it if Freds <insert anything here> could be configured not to show in New Posts. I do not mind it being here, I just don't want to know about it.
Good idea. That should satisfy just about everyone except those that want a large audience for their POV in FHOP. Edit: A couple of minutes on Google turned this up http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=91025 I will ask the moderators to consider request this change from management.
I think a variant of Murphy's Law applies here or maybe that old adage of "If'n it ain't broke don't fix it." Any time you have code up and working correctly don't mess with it cause it's sure to come back and bite you in the a$$ when it's least expected. Modifications described as "Hacks" as this one describes itself and as well meaning as they are will surely bite back.
Metaphysics is a belief system. You cannot argue metaphysics to a solid conclusion. Other topics, such as the Prius, must be based on reproducible, testable, falsifiable evidence. The way god would have done it had she known the facts, is to restrict metaphysics and stick to Prius topics.