i know there's tons of threads about hitches, was just wondering if anyone knew where to get the best deal. I can install myself, where's the best price (shipped or local PU in baltimore area) for a hitch (curt or uhaul or hiddenhitch etc, the good one with the exhaust cut out)
I just bought one for my highlander from etrailer.com . Not sure if they are the cheapest but I am very happy with them. Arrived on schedule and their site is nice because they have pics of the hitch installed on the vehicle that matches yours so you can tell you are getting what you want.
If you get a price quote from one of the internet distributors, back check them with amazon.com. Yes...that Amazon. Their product reviews are also pretty comprehensive. You might not find anything for a G2 hitch (two things that usually don't go together...) however (comma!) it's worth a look-see. Obviously eBay is also worth a peek. Good Luck!
When I bought mine for my 2005 Prius, Amazon had the same brands for less. I had to buy my trailer light hook up from etrailer.com though.