A few (or maybe many) years ago in Japan, Toyota demonstrated a home with a Prius as a power source. They called it ? I can't remember the name, and now there seems to be no way to find it because of all the new items with the Japanese earthquake and getting power from a Prius.
It's not just in Japan that folks have used their prius to effect home power use (as well as backfeed power like photo voltaic solar does). Several hybrid and PHEV owners have done so, around the world. Check out my favorite knowledge provider here: The Correct Answer happy reading ! the priups.com web site will keep you reading for hours and hours .
Well, yes, that is a great website, and Richard Factor has really done a lot in this area. But unfortunately that is not the answer I'm looking for. This is a specific home in Japan. Toyota set up a Prius to integrate with the house, and it was called ??? I'm sure ken1784 would remember it, but there should be others here who remember too.