Hey Everyone, New to the forums.. I currently have a 2011 Ford Fiesta and have had trouble since day one, it has already been in the shop 3 times and I have another appointment to get the transmission fixed! and it's not even a year old yet. So I kind of get the feeling it might give me a lot of trouble down the road and have been looking around at what my other options are. I think I have it narrowed down to the Chevy Cruze or the Toyota Prius ( probably used) and had a few questions as to which is my better option.... Fuel economy is top priority, reliability obviously lol and winter driving, does the Prius hold its own in winter conditions, as I live in Ohio and the winters can be rather tricky to say the least. The only thing that kept me from getting a Prius last year when I was shopping around was the recent recalls which kind of scared me off a little. Is this still an issue I should be concerned with? And are there any used model years I should stay away from in regards to this? Sorry for the long first post but would appreciate some feedback firsthand from some Prius owners Thanks
The Prius is going to get the best mpg period. Even in harsh winter conditions. The Cruze will get worse mpg during the winter just like the Prius will. I would say Prius is likely to be more reliable than the Cruze but since the Cruze is brand new I can't say for sure. The Prius is one of the most reliable cars on the road. The model years with the most issues were 2004 and early year 2005s. That being said, those years still have a good track record for reliability. My late year 2005 has not had any really issues in 144,000 miles. Go check out the fuelly website and fueleconomy.gov to see what kind of mpg numbers people are getting in both cars.
If OP is willing to drive a Ford Fiesta, then no contest, the Prius will be a winter upgrade. Reliability: Prius proven, Cruze unknown, although the company that builds it has been ... *cough* ... unreliable. I just read that a hugh recall is coming to GM, but the company is saying they will not take responsibility because the cars were produced before BK. Way to stand behind your cars GM! MPG: Prius will double the MPG of the Cruze in city driving, and use 30-50% less fuel in highway driving.
Yes... actually I was just reading about some recalls on the Cruze for the steering wheel popping off yikes! That does not sound good at all. Thanks for the info so far this is already starting to put things into perspective.
Sorry to hear about your problems with the Fiesta. Do you have the semi-automatic transmission? I think the Prius is far superior to the Cruze. However, do some reading her about winter driving and the inability of the Prius to spin the wheels. If your winter driving style is to spin the wheels until you get some grip, I'd buy something else or decide to change your driving style. Oh, and get some good winter tires, especially if you live in the NE Ohio show belt. If you want a snow monster, buy my used Subaru Outback. LOL
The recalls are really non-worries for future owners...any problems or perceptions of problems are gone. Toyota techs seem to mention often how easy it is to work on the Prius versus other cars, because there aren't any real problems to work on. I feel very safe in mine, for what it's worth. Mileage is no contest, a Prius will always do much better than a Cruze. The percentage by which it will beat the Cruze has the potential to increase dramatically in non-highway driving, dependent on how it's driven, though highway mileage conservatively would still likely be at least 30% better in a Prius, to echo Sagebrush. City driving you should do 100% better, and with some knowledge about the Prius, toward 200% better (damn, it sounds so impressive in percentage terms!). I have an obvious bias, but either way, mileage-wise, the Prius is your car.
Actually its a automatic with that new Powershift so it shifts like a manual but is still an automatic is what I've gathered from how it works. Oh well I've never really been in a situation where I've had to spin alot to get going however we do get nasty winters, but I also put winter tires with studs on every winter too which I've found really get you through no matter what car you drive. Although I'm assuming they can't be too bad because I've read testimonials from a lot of Prius owners even farther north than me
This was a very limited issue and supposedly no cars left the factory with this, um, feature. I know a couple of Cruze owners and they are very happy with their cars. One of them is a former Honda Civic owner. That said, I feel the Prius is a superior car with better anticipated reliability - that happens to get awesome MPG.
Seconding the comments regarding fuel economy. You will not find any recent cars w/better fuel economy than the Prius. If you want the gas mileage king, then go for the discontinued 1st gen Insight, assuming a 3 cylinder 2 seater wil work for you. You can see how the 2nd gen Prius did at ConsumerReports.org - Most fuel-efficient cars, 3rd gen at http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/...ce/most-fuelefficient-cars/overview/index.htm and http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/...-fuel-economy/best-and-worst-fuel-economy.htm on CR's tests. If you want fuel economy, I can tell you that in the automatic non-Eco versions of the Cruze didn't do so hot in their FE tests and thus didn't even place on the above lists. They didn't test the Eco versions though nor manuals. Results were: 2011 LS sedan, 1.8-liter Four, 6-speed automatic: 17 city/36 highway, 26 overall, 34 for 150-mile trip 2011 1LT sedan, 1.4-liter Four turbo, 6-speed automatic: 17 city/36 highway, 26 overall, 35 for 150-mile trip Yep on the reliability. Prius has had a good reliability record. No, I wouldn't be concerned about the recalls. Looking at safercar.gov, none of the reaclls there have affected me, as far as I can remember. If I had to stay away from any model year, I'd stay away from ones before the 2nd gen (so that means anything prior to MY2004) but I doubt you'd go for something that old.
Wow yea I've checked some sites and the Cruze is somewhat underwhelming on mpgs... and overall from what I've researched there is more bad than good about the Prius. I also feel that the savings in gas the car would almost pay for itself in a few years
Do be aware that the Prius Traction Control is different than in other cars, as it is also intended to protect the transaxle from overspin. The original version stranded some drivers in some conditions, especially those without good winter tires. It has been upgraded several times, so judge each version separately. Most drivers with the 2010, including me, now swear by it, but a vocal group still swears at it. With studs, I can't imagine that you might fall into the later group.
Oh well that's good to know, makes me feel better about the winter issues... I've heard so much bad on the internet over the years apparently there are a lot of Prius haters for some odd reason I cant really see why, but anyway I love getting all this info from actual Prius owners instead of some I've seen on other forums who just have opinions about them probably without having even taken one for a test drive lol.
Does the Cruze really only get 17 mpg in city driving ? Ughh I had a chance the other day to look closely at a Cruze from the outside. Like most cars some angles looked better than others, but overall I thought it looked awkward in its proportions. Does it have a high center of gravity ?
Yea I've heard some people say with mostly city driving thats what they are getting As far as the styling I found it to be a fairly plain and boring. As far as the high center of gravity, not really sure about that but I've heard it is roomy inside with plenty of headroom so that could cause that I suppose.
BTW I want to commend the OP (DriveGreen82) on his post and questions. Sometimes we get some new folks in here who want to know about the Prius, but type their questions in such a way that they come across as patronizing or trollish (and the folks on these boards sometimes have a hair trigger when it comes to perceived trollish posts) So, thank you for your post/questions. The Prius is a remarkable car, especially if you have certain attributes rated high on your priority scale (Cost of ownership, reliability, practicality, environmental impact). Keep on asking questions and checking out the forums. There is a TON of information here and a lot of knowledgeable people to help. Don't be put off by those who might say "use the search button", it is acknowledged that it isn't the best search engine around. But, most of the information you might look for is stickied in the subforums.
Yes, there's so much random misinformation about the Prius and plenty of haters. It's likely that 99% of them have never owned a Prius and the majority have never driven one or been been given a proper demo of one buy a knowledgeable owner. That's what it got in CR's tests, which admittedly seems pretty harsh in terms of the end result, judging by the values that every car gets on the test. Last page of http://www.consumersunion.org/Oct_CR_Fuel_Economy.pdf gives a high level overview of their tests vs. the pre-MY08 EPA tests. For the Cruze, CR says:
I've really put my research into overdrive lately and from what I've seen there really isn't any car out there now that matches the Prius in mpgs, price or features. I considered the Volt or Leaf at first as well, but the Volt I feel is overpriced at around $40,000 and the Leaf is more reasonable but only goes on an electric charge of about 100 mi On a side note I love the roominess and unconventional styling of the instrument panel etc. from pictures I've seen of the interior. I've also researched the Cruze more and it is definitely out with its overall "below average" IMHO mpgs for a new car and its very bland styling. It just doesn't seem like it would suit my needs as much as the Prius would
Now that fuel prices are stabilizing/falling, you might be able to pick up a nice G2 Prius for an attractive price. I'm not trying to steer you away from a new G3 Prius in any way, I just thought a lightly used G2 is also something to consider.
Yes I would def consider that if I could get one at a good price. Although I have to figure out what to do with the hunk of junk I have now lol. I'm considering filing a lemon lawsuit as well
i recommend a genII with almost 100k (if under or over that's good too) for about 10k... buying my car new, i spent about 42k dollars with financing and such... my brother is looking for the same car for 10k (many in california)... which is an excellent deal.. i'm at 170k miles and i've really never had any serious issues. proven reliability of the prius says that a good 90 percent of them probably don't have any problems before 200k miles. while repairs on a prius are expensive... so are other cars... the prius parts just last longer because it's a less stressed design.. all the stress is basically on the pack and electrical side, and it deals with it really well. so... i've seen a lot of cars fail before 100k miles.. if a prius has 100k and last only 100k more... that's still a really cheap car at 10 grand. original test by toyota stated that the "system" (hv battery) was "tested" (cycled) and at 20 years or 500k miles they only had a 15% drop in pack capacity. (some consider that dying... some consider it ok.. it depends if you want peak mpg or not)