maybe it has to do with the view out the rear hatch, or maybe it's because the prii is my first new car in 18yrs, but it sure seems like other drivers come up behind me very quickly. i've seen some motorcycles which have added aftermarket flashers to the brake light. this really seems to catch one's attention. do they make this type of flasher for a car? (can't see why it'd be significantly different from a car). does it matter that the prii has LEDs? thanks for any info, john
i have concluded, that it only "seems" to be faster and closer. i think that the "chopped-off" profile of the hatchback causes a knot in my throat every time i glance at the rear view mirror at a stop light. sid
I tend to agree, I went from a Ford Expedition to this and I felt like people were right on top of me all the sudden. I think it just has to do with the rear view and the rear-view mirror more than drivers actually getting closer. Anybody got a tape measure?!:wink: --evan
Maybe a rear-mounted laser, with a distance display mounted on the dash? Or even better, dual lasers -- the second one writes the distance between the cars on the rear car's windshield.
:wave: I've been behind two different '04 PRII. The first time I did not notice the third brake light flashing, but I did notice that the second one did just like most or all new Toyotas. I do not own an '04 yet so I can't tell you anymore than that but maybe someone that has one can update on this thread. :computer: :wave: