Technogeek's got it down! Thanksgiving dinner may also provide a few opportunities for last-minute errands. Got enough cranberry sauce? Does anyone want Redi-Whip on their pie or ice cream? THEN---GOING SHOPPING FRIDAY?
I do not see any the above mentioned anywhere on the window sticker, nor was it mentioned in the manual. I do not have 2005 prius to compare so I would not know. The dealer told me the battery warranty is 100K.
I have been reading this board for last month and I am fully aware of the tax credit. But my accountant told me that my AMT is very high, that my tax credit is zip!
I order my car back in September; I forgot the exact date. I was told I am #3 on the 2006 list for package 8. I guess I am the first person who wants a silver.
Can you repost the link please? I don't see any reference. I was told by the dealer that I cannot apply for the sticker until I get my licence plate which might take up to 3 month! He said that he will expedited the request. I don't know exactly how he will do that!
I simply can not understand why he isn't inside the house on the computer with us! :lol: kinged -- we need you buddy! We have a lot of questions.
It is 6:45 am here, still a little dark. I did not get much sleep last night. I will post the pictures by noon.
No, there was no link. He meant you were probably from California because you spoke about wanting the stickers for the HOV lane. That's why we always try and encourage people to update their profiles with an area of where they are from. Congrats on your new car by the way, good luck with it!
I think he needs to take his wireless laptop with his video cam out to the car... I wonder if he can upload movie pictures?.. prob too big...
A silver package #8? Hey that's my car, you intercepted it before it could get to Florida!!! Actually the dealer called yesterday and they said that they are getting some in in two weeks. I can take one of those if I want, or I can wait until later to get it.
Well I hope you know you have totally wiped out my appetite today for Thanksgiving!... I think I'm too busy eating my heart out! I know you will have a nice thanksgiving and have alot to be thankful for!
DocVijay - Hey, That's My Prius I guess that means my Classic Silver 06 #8 should be showing up in South Florida soon too; my dealer isn't talking delivery dates yet. When did you order yours? Post again when you geta firm date. I'm having fun with the 2006 Prius Owner's Manual I downloaded from Toyota Tech Info. Thanks,
Yikes! Posting the 2006 Prius Manual is a Problem I don't want to be a d**k head and other members have been asked to post the Manual with the same response guessed above, no. The Toyota site was pretty strong about its copyright, they have my name and address and for $10 for 24 hours, its probably better to be safe than sorry and get your own. In addition, the entire shop manual and other goodies are avaialble. In 24 hours, you'll be able to download more information about any year Prius than you'll ever need.