CAN-VIEW (Recovered)

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by D0li0, Oct 20, 2005.

  1. tripp

    tripp Which it's a 'ybrid, ain't it?

    Oct 23, 2005
    Denver, CO
    2005 Prius
    Thanks for the feedback guys. Very helpful as always. :D

    I'll probably snag one of these at some point. First I've gotta get and then install a block heater. Then I'll probably take the leap. I assume from reading the different threads that the block heater is harder/more annoying to install. I know some of you guys have done both. Is that true?
  2. D0li0

    D0li0 New Member

    Oct 1, 2005
    Seattle, Wa
    Somehow I stopped "tracking this toppic", I just though noone was talking about it.
    Anyway, the real reason I'm posting is because I just installed my CAN-View v2!!!

    Spent about an hour modifying the CAN cable with an additional +12v power pin at the OBDII end and a DB9 plug at the other. Later I intend to plug in my CAN-to-Serial adapter and run Attila's scanner software on a little EspressoPC that I've used in my Insight in the past (which has a nice 1024x768 7" touch LDC screen in the drivers visor). So, similar to the MacMini ideas, the PC may also run some NAV software, movies, mp3's, etc, but I'm getting off the subject...

    Next I spent about 2 hours taking things apart and running the wires, pretty simple. If I were to do it again I could probably finish the install in well under an hour, hint to anyone in the Seattle area who wants a CAN-View but doesn't know about the whole taking apart their Prius part.

    After it was installed I just had to take a quick drive to the store for a soda, and as long as I was out I figured I'de grab some data... This is so kewl! So, did a forced charge, since I had been running the car for some heat durring the install and the SOC was low, went from 48% up to 78%(8/8 bars) at about 30A or 7kW! Drove home without ev-mode to see that infact the engine does shut down at above 34mph (which I already knew it did) when the SOC is high enough. Sitting at home I could see the base load of the DC-DC was about .6A(.1kW), the AC/heat/blower bumped that up to 1.8A(.4kW), while the headlamps pulled about 1.1A(.2kW). Anyway, this is great, and I haven't even got arround to installing the NTSC-to-RGB adapter or the Relay board accessories (oops, maybe I wasn't supposed to mention that yet?)

    I was also plesently surprised to find twist ties in my box of parts!!

    Many thanks Norm for building what I hope will become the most popular aftermarket Prius accessory! It's certinly an amazing device and is a heck of a lot more than just another scan tool!

  3. tomdeimos

    tomdeimos New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
    Lexington, MA
    My Can View version 1 was way easier to install than my block heater. And I use it all the time.

    Went on a bit longer trip than usual the other day and it showed me the temp climbing a bit.
    I stopped and unblocked a bit more of the radiator and continued on my way. Driving just a little faster and longer than normal really increases the heat load.

    The can view manages to show everything critical in a neat and simple way.

    Also using the battery current to control better when the engine should start up so I can get longer battery power runs.

    Plus the battery current limits should help show me when it is too cold to bother with EV at all.

    Another thing I use it for is to set the heater to best get the battery warm, by forcing extra air through the car than I need.
  4. eflier

    eflier Silver Business Sponsor

    Jul 23, 2005
    Fraser Valley BC
    I have to make changes to CAN-view based on whether an addition will negatively affect other users. But here is one new addition, now standard on every version 2: a new option button on the set-up screen allows DUMP or NONE. 'NONE' gets you normal operation, 'DUMP' sends, once per second, all current decoded CAN messages out serially in a burst for the user to process on a laptop. See for details.

    Also I have now carried through with my commitment that all the latest code modules will be available for public download to re-program CAN-view in the field (or in your garage if your field is not convenient). See
    More suggested changes are being looked at.
  5. hdrygas

    hdrygas New Member

    May 22, 2004
    Olympia Wa
    2004 Prius
    You just keep making me sadder and sadder that I can't use it :( Well I will keep a stiff upper lip.
  6. hdrygas

    hdrygas New Member

    May 22, 2004
    Olympia Wa
    2004 Prius
    DaveinOlyWa gave me a show and tell of the Can-View. Love the Hex display. Don't know what it means but I still love it. I can do Hex but it takes a calculator and much time, the display changes too fast for me to read it. Maybe if I take the red pill? The other info is great. So just keep on Trucking and get the Can-View for the Nav cars done! What a great product.
  7. tomdeimos

    tomdeimos New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
    Lexington, MA
    Just got my Can View version 1 updated with the new features.
    I especially like being able to get in and just drive and have my user screen come up!
    The items I monitor 90% of the time are:

    Engine Temp (due to my radiator carpets! Also to see when I should start seeing stage IV economy!)

    Battery Temp (to see how much heat or cooling the battery needs to be comfortable!)

    SOC (to see when I can use EV or just regular engine off mode.)

    Amperes (so I can make it stay in the above modes when I want it to.)

    RPM (so I can see what mode I am running in and see when rpms are low enough for economy.)

    Fuel usage rate ( I find it equivalent to instant MPG on the Toyota screen,
    except you want it low instead of high, and you have to factor
    in your speed yourself: Generally I find keeping it under 1 gal
    per hour is about like 70 mpg or better, but depends on speed.)
  8. p626808

    p626808 New Member

    Mar 10, 2004
    2010 Prius

    Anyone in New Jersey that can update mine.. I have yet to install it. it is a version 1

  9. eflier

    eflier Silver Business Sponsor

    Jul 23, 2005
    Fraser Valley BC
    Slightly off-topic. In the course of debugging the 'with-NAV' version with Frenchie, he added that his reverse camera didn't work automatically as it should with CAN-view.
    As I enable that video input using a CAN message for reverse rather than a wire hooked up to the stop-lights, in theory it should have worked. So we looked closer and found that the CAN message in his (French) Prius for the drive function isn't the same as in my (North American) Prius. An overnight call to Graham in the UK who also has a CAN-view, confirmed the same message for a UK Prius as for a French one.

    Now it was easy to fix by looking for both versions of code (Frenchie's camera now does work automatically in reverse when hooked up thru CANvew) BUT it raises the issue that European and North American Prii clearly do not share all the same CAN codes. Clearly not major differences as all the CAN-view displays work the same there as here.

    It does make you wonder what other differences there are in the Prius programming, depending on where its shipped to. Different engine management maybe?.
  10. hdrygas

    hdrygas New Member

    May 22, 2004
    Olympia Wa
    2004 Prius
    That is interesting. We also know that the Japanese version is also different because someone posted some DTC and no one with the US service manual could find them. The poster failed to mention it was a car imported from Japan. I would suggest that means that we would find similar CAN bus code differences in the Japanese version. So Toyota is sending cars out to different parts the world with different programming. Makes one wonder about other differences.
  11. jayman

    jayman Senior Member

    Oct 21, 2004
    Winnipeg Manitoba
    2004 Prius
    Sorry for the delay in response, it looks like I failed to check the box to receive email notifications.

    We do a lot of embedded programming - function blocks, PID's, even prototyping new devices, on many bussed devices at work: Foundation FieldBus, DeviceNet, ControlNet, ProfiBus DP and PA, AS-I Bus, CANBus, etc.

    I would have to look at dumps from several cars, preferably from North American market, EU, and Japan, to positively tell you what the differences are. I do know that most of the industrial bussed devices - Foundation FieldBus, CANBus, etc - have langauge localization differences too, and that surprised me when I first got started in that work.

    From the info that Frank Hudon sent me, it looks like you're using a fairly standard bsp (Board Support Package) for CANBus interpolation. That really helps. What doesn't help is that a maker like Toyota can have a lot of undocumented features and firmware beyond the mandatory emissions requirements.

    It would help you a lot to locate a totalled Prius that hasn't been stripped. Try to get all the ECU's off it, then at your or my leisure a logic analyzer with good memory depth can be used to probe and dump them.

    A couple of the junior programmers at the office are willing to pursue your CanView further, as I am. No charge, but it would have to be on a "hobby" basis so we can get access to the logic analyzer and deep memory scopes at work. This can only be done when the logic analyzers, scopes, and test frames aren't actually being used for a test or prototyping session.

    As a complicating factor, I'm leaving Wednesday for a series of business trips. I probably won't have time to look into this any further until January. If you have to contact me, Frank Hudon has my personal/work email.
  12. DanMan32

    DanMan32 Senior Member

    Aug 27, 2004
    Tampa Bay, FL
    No, the pills only work if you are already in the matrix. To get into the matrix, you have to jack in.
  13. DanMan32

    DanMan32 Senior Member

    Aug 27, 2004
    Tampa Bay, FL
    I don't see how that would help without having an ICE, inverter, HV battery, etc attached to said ECUs. Attila could send you a raw dump of CAN data using his CAN adapter.
  14. DanMan32

    DanMan32 Senior Member

    Aug 27, 2004
    Tampa Bay, FL
    With CAN transmitting at 500K or better, can you do that and not lose data? Even with Attila using the CAN232 directly to the DLCIII, he has to filter data or else he can't keep up. CANUSB might be able to keep up though.
  15. eflier

    eflier Silver Business Sponsor

    Jul 23, 2005
    Fraser Valley BC
    You are absolutely right. CAN data is 2uS per bit so thats a maximum of 500K baud, but that is only achievable if there are absolutely no gaps between messages (which is very rare) In addition, each CAN message includes a header, control bits, CRC bits, ACK bits, end stream and in addition, a bit stuffing protocol which adds even more bits.
    If you remove all that junk and reduce each message just to the CAN ID, the length and the data (which I assume is all most people are interested in) I find results in an output rate maxing out under 125K.

    But thats still too much to dump out at 115,200 baud to suit most PCs if I also keep up the normal CAN-view display functions. So, yes, I take a representative sample and spit out around 80 complete CAN messages every second. Note that does include one of every type of message received, just not multiple copies of the same message.

    That rate is no use if you are analysing brake readings coming in at 150+ messages per second for an anti-skid ECU, but then I'm assuming the CAN data output is being used for information purposes only and not to control some life critical process.

    As an aside, in working with Frenchie to debug his 'with-NAV' version, I've added a utility (buried in a diagnostic screen) which dumps the AVC bus out the serial port at 115,200. (with no omissions) It was a lot simpler for that to just suspend screen updates completely for the duration of the AVC recording.

    If someone wanted the CAN data at the true rate (and were not using it to control something critical) and were willing to accept no other CAN-view functions while the were recording this information, I might offer that feature.
  16. hdrygas

    hdrygas New Member

    May 22, 2004
    Olympia Wa
    2004 Prius
    OK there is your next project. Jack us in! My niece is working on her masters in Biomedical Engineering maybe we can get her help! :D Glad to see you are making progress on the Nav Can View. You can sign me up right now.
  17. eflier

    eflier Silver Business Sponsor

    Jul 23, 2005
    Fraser Valley BC
    December 11th update. Working with Frenchie and his with-NAV Prius, I have now resolved the last software issue and can state that the standard version 2 CAN-view now works with factory NAV. His CAN-view screen would switch back to the NAV screen after a couple of minutes. I added the AVC serial dump routine to CAN-view and Frenchie wrote a program to analyse what was being sent to his laptop and emailed me the results. It turns out that with factory NAV, the AVC (IEBUS) sends messages much longer than I see on my without-NAV Prius, so I hadn't made the message buffer big enough and it overflowed. Fixed! So the code in all versions of CAN-view will be identical.

    The connector issue still remains, but Frenchie managed to get 5 sets of parts which he has sent and I have another 5 sets shipped from (neither here yet) so as soon as either set shows up, it will be time to ship the first with-NAV unit.

    Which raises the issue that, as while I can test each CAN-view because a factory-NAV version also works in all Prius versions, I can't be absolutely certain I've wired up the NAV harness correctly until someone tries it and says its OK. So I will need a volunteer for the first one, on the understanding the harness may have to be shipped back and forth if, despite all due care, I still manage to get a wire crossed.

    I will post as soon as I have the first harness made up.

    (Picture of new-born CAN-views sitting in pet shop window waiting for new owner to take them home)
  18. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    might want to make another thread on this... this is REAL NEWS!!
  19. hdrygas

    hdrygas New Member

    May 22, 2004
    Olympia Wa
    2004 Prius
    All I can say is thank you and sign me up. I think you will sell a lot of these. I will try to arm twist Dave to help me install it as he has been through the drill.
  20. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    Happy to be the Guinea Pig. Lemme know how you wanna handle it.