Keep that Prius "high and dry". First the Earth shakes and then the wind blows - Let us know when frogs start to fall fron the sky.
I am also waiting - here in Wilmington, NC, very close to Wrightsville Beach. My patio home is about 1 1/3 mile from the Atlantic Ocean. It's 8:40PM and the wind and rain are going strong but not yet enough to do property damage. We are supposed to get the worst of what we will get in the wee hours of tomorrow morning. The topography of Wilmington is flat. You have to look hard to find a hill in this flat coastal town. When we have heavy rain in a short period of time a number of main streets flood and the water can be too deep for a Prius to naviagate through it. When this kind of weather hits my Prius sleeps soundly in the garage. The low ground clearance is one trade off - when you have flooded streets - but the MPG and other attributes make up for the few downfalls in its design.
I left Wilmington, NC when I was in 1st grade. Now I live just outside Wilmington, DE. Best of luck to you down there. I don't remember much, but I do recall going to the beach as a kid and my dad getting his glasses knocked off by a large wave. We've had a tornado and earthquake here so far this month. Now we have a hurricane coming up. I do not know what to think, but that's a heck of a 1-2-3 combo. I'm heading out of town (been planned for over a month) in the morning, so hoping I come back to a house that is still in the same shape and location as when I leave! They've done some evacuations here already, mostly the beach towns in slower lower. But they also evacuated SE Wilmington - not sure exactly which areas. And don't forget those whose French Toast Syndrome took over this week! Good luck finding much of anything at the grocery stores too.
Prayers for all in the path of Irene. These are the times when I'm especially thankful for our rather boring weather in south-central MI.
Prayers already sent. MRE's (three lies for the price of one!) ice and bottled water standing by. Good Luck to all in her path!
I'm just hoping it'll be settled down enough by the time it gets to RI that no trees fall on the car. Last hurricane I remember from when I was a kid knocked down almost all the trees we had in our yard... *crossed fingers*
Just drove mine to the UES and parked it in a nice garage far above sea level for the weekend. Fingers crossed. Stay safe everyone.
Best wishes from Germany ! Stay safe ! Keeping my fingers crossed that it turns out to be less worse than predicted !
We came through relatively unscathed. Never lost power (although over half the city has none), have lots of limbs, etc. to pick up in the yard. Hope you came through OK as well.
We were very fortunate to come through it relatively unscathed also. A lot of power outages. We were without power from about 4:00 AM until about 8:00 PM last night. Lots of sticks, limbs, pine cones, etc. in the yard along with shredded leaves. Spent yesterday afternoon cleaning up the yard before the sun comes out today and the humidity goes through the roof. Prayers for our northeastern neighbors that they stay safe.
so far, it doesn't look too bad in new york. downgrade to tropical. we're getting gusts in the 30's right now just west of boston and 4" of rain so far. a lot of smaller branches down, power still on. peaking around 2pm here.
It was not too bad around here, got to take these photos early this AM before the west wind picked up again.
Got my Prius out of the parking garage this afternoon and drove it home. Safe and sound. Phew. Since I just got it a few days before the storm, I figured Irene would be a fitting name. lol