My wait is finally over ! I was called by my dealer that my car is here! It's a silver package 8. I am wondering if I can apply for the HOV sticker at the same time?
You're getting your 06 today? WOW You're lucky. Where do you live again? Keep us posted on what the car is like and about all the details, gadgets and the leather!
PICS PICS PICS PICS PICS PICS PICS PICS PICS PICS!!!!! Oh, by the way, could you post some pictures when you get a chance?
Yesterday, I saw a parked ‘06 Barcelona Red while I was driving. I would have done a Bat Turn in the middle of the busy street, were it not for my passengers . . . who I doubt would share the same level of Prius sighting excitement I did. Dang! And I had my digital camera too! THEY ARE OUT THERE!!!!
Congrats! Please, let us know: 1. what does leather cover...does it include center console cover, door inserts or areas where elbows go, steering wheel, etc. 2. any chance heated seats came with it (doubtful)? rpm
kinged - PLEASE POST YOUR LOCATION Useless information if we don't know where the 06's are starting to show up.
Yeah, I was thinking it had to be there or Washington since they will show up there first... First port stops right?
Don't know if he realizes it but hell, if mine were coming tomorrow I'd take it too... With bells on! Waiting since July is killing me...
Wow! A silver package 8 - that's exactly what I ordered too! I'm very happy for you! I can't wait to hear all about it and see the pictures.
I guess CA has no excise tax? Here in MA we do and waiting until the 1st of next month would save a months worth of tax. And that doesn't begin to address the tax credit, although as others said, I probably wouldn't wait either. It's not like you'd see the $3500 in January anyway..
We do not have an excise tax, but we do pay an annual registration fee based on the value of the car. The registration is valid for a full year and the renewal is due more or less on the anniversary date of the purchase of the car. Mine was $231 when I bought the car and $209 for the renewal, a year later. Regarding the tax credit issue, instant gratification does have its cost.
I am in Los Angeles, CA. I just pick up my 06 from Longo in El monte. It took me 5 hours total to go from my place to the dealership and back due to pre-Thanksgiving traffic. It is now dark outside. I will post some pictures tomorrow. The only thing I can notice different from outside are the front headlights. The higher resolution navigation screen is so awesome. I am disappointed that the antennea is the same as 05. But overall, it is a great car, and I can't be any happier at this moment. I will be spending the rest of the night reading the manual.
Woo hoo! A PCer's first '06 (I think)! You'll probably be swamped with questions. Here's what I'm curious about: The Japanese website mentioned "improved handling" via both a "stiffened chassis" and "tuned suspension". It also mentioned better sound insulation, via a reformulated glass (side windows, I think, but possibly windshield, too). Any sign/mention of these things? They might all be difficult to "sense", so if there's nothing written (including possibly on the MSRP sticker), you may not know. There's also been a question raised (separate thread) whether the long battery warranty is still provided (100K in most states, 150K in CA and states using CA emission standards). Thanks.
By the way, I think you need to take your new 2006 out to find a 24hr grocery store to get some bananas at 2am. And don't forget to go get doughnuts for the family at 7am. You better make a separate trip to the coffee place at 7:30am. Repeat for lunch and dinner at the food establishments of your choice. The key is to get the food in one trip, then the beverages in a separate trip. I'm sure you will think of all kinds of reasons to take your new car for a spin. Congratulations!!! :lol: Enjoy your new 2006!!
Congratulations, Kinged! You're no longer a pawn in the Prius-waiting-game! I look forward to seeing your car tomorrow.
The 2006's arrive here in Hawaii the end of last week. I should be going to the dealer to look on Friday, but won't be picking mine up until January.
Congratulations kinged. I completely agree with this posting. Bcos in LA, Manhattan beach in CA one of my dealer where I deposited $500 dollars called me and said my sea side pearl package 8 car is ready to be picked up. Unfortunately I had to let it go bcos I already paid huge amount for my vehicle which is coming with in a week.