Just checking to see if there's a pulse on this page. If there are enough of us, we should make plans for a get-together this winter.
Hello Spunky, There are a few of us around LOL. We SHOULF plan on some type of group thing this winter. Anybody got any idea's? Dates? Nov. and Dec. aren't looking too good for me however.
hi everyone im in upstate new york but i make the drive to penn. (allentown) almost monthly so i would like to arrange a meeting sometime with you guys -jake
Lola and I are just outside of Philly. Always up for a trip and a gathering. I know of an '05 Tideland in the area that might be interested also.
Hmm. Not Nov. or Dec. so how about a Saturday in Jan? Or are Saturdays not good for someone? Where should we meet? Anyone know a good restaurant in, say, Norristown?
Sat. in Jan. is good for us. I don't know of any places in Norristown, I'm more familiar with the Allentown area
well i have a bunch of fam. in allentown so that would be great but its supposed to start snowing here soon <SIGH!!!> and i dont want to drive down in the snow, but i usually travel down around christmas to visit my grandparents because they r 96 and 98 and probably dont have much longer, but that sounds great, does anyone know where bed bath and beyond is in umm what town......i think its whitehall not sure b/c we could meet in that parking lot and go to a nearby resturant if you want reply when you all have time -jn
SNOW? I am new to this Prius game. How do they handle in the snow? I may have to show up in Greenie. That is a green Ford Explorer with 4 wheel drive.
thats what i had too a ford explorer! the prius handles pretty good in snow, not good like our explorers but pretty good, i just dont like driving that far in the snow because there are alot of accidents and i dont want to have to sit for 3 hrs while they clean an accident up, but im sure you could make the drive in pri if you had to..... dont forget to brush her off!! -jn
I think once we pick a date in Jan. it would be suject to cancellation due to the weather. I think if the weather forecast doesn't look good by Thur or Fri. at the latest we would cancel early due to the fact that people would be travelling a distance.
I'm in Delaware, and I think I'd be up for a meeting, although I don't really know what goes on at them! Is there some sort of Prius initiation the dealer didn't tell me about?
Bionic LOL, I'm looking for ideas for topics ect. for a meeting, so if you got any or anybody got any, lets hear them.
From Delaware County, greetings. A Saturday in January sounds good. I'd rather it were closer to Philly than Allentown, if possible. Norristown didn't sound bad. The KoP mall would be a good location, too. Lots of parking and plenty of places to eat.