2006, ~40K. Warranty replaced Traction Battaries once, then Transaxle, now the Traction Battaries are again not holding a charge, gas milage is quickly falling. Seems to happen in the Summertime. Anyone else have problems with Prius in 100+ weather? I love the car, but am really tired of this. We don't trust it enough to leave town in it. Really disappointing.
I didn't know it was possible to have 100+ temperatures outside of an oven. You know what Sherman said about Texas... Tom
This seems ridiculous, and more than likely is a stupid dealer and misunderstanding of the vehicle. Are you using the AC? Well that drains the traction battery. With AC off and you brake lightly from moderate speed does the traction battery completely fill up? Do you have the red triangle of death? Do you have any codes? I really doubt that the traction battery and transaxle needed to be replaced. What diagnosis led them to think it was the battery? And why did they think the transaxle needed replacement?
It all goes to the fan for the hv battery. Can you hear it running? When you can hear it, consider the traction battery to be offline as far as providing boost and regen. If you don't have boost/regen, then MPG is the same as a Corolla. In the first 20 minutes of a drive, it could be a living hell, as the cabin and hv batteries are so hot and the A/C is put up against sweltering weather and slow moving traffic. But you should reach a steady state at some point of pleasant cabin temperature and happier batteries. It should be very trustworthy on longer drives. But short trips will suck. If you never hear the fan running, then have the intake vent examined for blockage. Does your A/C work properly?
Battery replace after it started not holding charge and finally all/most dash lights came on. Worked well after repair. Transaxle after it wouldn't allow it to drive and again all/most dash lights. Again worked well after repair. Currently batteries perform poorly in heat. Battery cabin fan works. No error lights at the moment, but symptoms are similar to just before we needed battery replace last time. We are clearly seeing heat impact performance beyond what is reasonable. Reason for post is to ask if others in high heat geographies have same problems. Is this a common problem with manta praises or just ours? :fish2:
It is possible that your Prius has an underlying problem not addressed by the dealer. Replacing the battery and transaxle may have treated the symptoms, but not the cause. Tom
A/C and cabin fan work. No warning lights yet. Yep, seems that our prius pretty much looses it's traction battery in 100+ weather. Hopefully when the weather cools it will start operating normally again. Should be trustworthy, but in 40k it has had three event where all/most dash light come on and it needs to go to a dealer asap. Once it wouldn't allow itself to be put in drive. Not trustworthy. Maybe time to throw in the towel.
We have had a relatively cool summer this year but in previous years my car has been subject to 100-110° temperatures fairly regularly with zero issues. Like Tom said, there may be Some other underlying issue here.
We have had 7 days in a row with 100+ temps this summer and many more 100+ days. Never had any issue with my HV battery. High humidity and AC on all of the time. Other than a mpg hit the car has done great. I agree with others that you must have an undetermined issue with your car.
Hi Asmodeus. I also think you may have had a bit of a run around from the service department. The faults that you describe are extremely unlikely for a Prius with only 40 kmiles. I'd say the battery failure is less likely than 1:1000 and the transaxle is less likely than 1:10000, so the chance of both failing would be something like 1 in 10 million (or less, probably a lot less). You may have had other faults that were misdiagnosed. The inverter coolant pump and an overheating inverter is one of the more common issues that can cause problems for the "electrics" in hot weather. There's also another thing that most dealers seem to know nothing about, and I really suspect that this may be part of your problem. The blockage of the battery cooling fan in the rear of the car. Please read the following thread and take a look at the pictures I posted of how to access the rear fan and what a clogged fan looks like. See: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...ur-dirt-causing-major-battery-problems-4.html
Asmodeus, also you can easily check your inverter coolant pump. See my post with pictures and instructions (reply #10) here: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...95561-maintenance-repair-in-anchorage-ak.html
If there was a higher likelihood of failure in 100+ temperatures, the media and the hybrid-haters would be all over it. Think of what happened with the unintended acceleration issue. It would definitely be in PriusChat even if the media somehow didn't pick up on it. If Uart's advice doesn't help you out, I'd say use the lemon law (it's been repaired 3 times without solving the problem) and get a new Prius. There's no way this should be happening, and it doesn't happen with other Prii.
I can't comment about your specific case except to note that my 2007 Prius has never exhibited any problem in almost five summers here in St. George, Utah where we average 61 days per year when the high temperature for the day exceeds 100ºF. (But it's a dry heat )
Thanks, we had the inverter pump replaced under warranty. The car died in a parking lot about a week after we got the notice, had to have it picked up by flatbed. I keep the car pretty clean, but I'll check into the fan blockage when I get home this PM.
They messed up something fer sher. Get thee to another dealer! Normal Prius are perfectly happy in hot climates, for example my 2004 with 60K in Dallas.
You still should check the inverter coolant reservoir for flow, they sometimes don't bleed the air properly and it causes problems. It takes about one minute check it, and I definitely wouldn't put too much trust in the dealer given the other unlikely problems you've had.
did you get the car new? if not, was it in a major accident before? maybe something is shorting out? i would try another dealer. it sounds really bad, hoping that you find the problem and another dealer fixes your car. good luck.
Asmodeus, We live in AZ, never had a problem with the traction battery staying at a low charge , until now. This past Monday they changed out the inverter coolant pump and the reg water pump and sepentine belt, now the traction battery seems to go low very fast, and I never got a full blue battery now it has only been 2 days since this was done so it may be coincidental but also filled the gas tank after picking the car up on monday evening have gone 180 miles and the fuel gauge shows full all the way full. I am trying to get it back in for the dealer to look at it. and I do hear my battery fan running , now when before I did not.... so you are not alone with this battery concern
Not an expert, but thinking.. The battery cooling fan, behind the passenger, rear interior panel (behind the back seat) might not be blowing air or is clogged? I took mine out last week, pulled the cover apart, and cleaned it out. Could just be blocked. When i did the cleaning, i also installed some of the vent filter material in the opening to stop dog hair. Found the post on how to do this in priuschat. will locate the article.. Might need to run the a/c in the hot days and get cool air in the cabin to cool the battery.