Not only do you also disagree with fellow atheist Myers, your latest jab makes no sense. If I were to attack you personally, it would never be as effective as your own posts like that I quoted.
Well, as another exception, as far as female, but educated atheist of Jewish background. YouTube has a number of interesting interviews on the Phil Donahue TV show, she was apparently a frequent guest and talked a lot about atheism.
I would theorize that women over the years have been too busy to gad about registering as atheists. Men, apparently, have lots of time to debate the issue. ..and, we've told enough fairy tales to children over the years to recognize one when we hear one... but, you don't upset the children by telling them that it isn't "true"...
Just as every Christian doesn't think the same (thank Ba'al!), not every non-believer thinks the same (in fact, I don't consider myself an Atheist, but since you lump every non-theist in the same group, so as not to upset your tiny little mind I'll play along). We call ourselves Freethinkers for a reason (except those of us who don't - see how it works? No? I didn't think so. *sigh*) Go back and read the post I replied to again. Grab a 5th grader if you need help seeing it.
And as an added bonus: Female Atheists! African American Freethinkers! Nonreligious Latinos! And finally, we leave you on this note.
^ the fact remains that Myers notes the meetings of the irreligious (bet that's inclusive enough ) is anything but diverse....this is not opinion, but the background of people that go to the irreligious events. He said it - I did not - your anger is misdirected and unnecessary.
OK, one Atheist made a note of something. Duly noted. I'm not angry, I'm just trying to explain something. However, once again you confuse the words "explanation" with "personal attack". As for me, I take it as seriously as an average Christian takes something Fred Phelps takes seriously (ie, not at all). However, this may come as a shock to you but HE IS NOT ON THIS BOARD. No, really! I checked! You, however, are. I can not talk to him. I can talk to you. Whether or not you'll listen (answer: no) is beside the point.
Stev0, Focus on the topic and stop obsessing about me. It's about two articles - one by Myers, then a black atheist commented on.
I think one of the thing that is most prominent in contributing to the noted statistic is that many of us a-religious folks don't feel the need to have a label, or a membership, to go along with our disbelief in religion. The term "Atheist" is something a religious person would use, to me anyways. Think of it like this -- do you feel the need to apply the terms "Round Worlder" or "Flat Worlder" in the present day? Not really so much, you don't give the passing thought that someone might think the world is flat, it comes as more of a shock than anything. So in much the same sense, most folks that don't believe in religion don't feel a particular need to apply a label to themselves to clarify the point, let alone find a group membership. The average American white male most likely expresses atheist group membership and advocates out of a left over sense of evangelical duty (think as I think for I am the privileged educated and my way is the best way) and a lack of community. "Oh you like Cheerios for breakfast?! _I_ like Cheerios for breakfast too!!" But ultimately the term atheist is just a tool for religious folks to qualify a different point of view they can't understand while those they are trying to label find the need for a label that indicates the absence of something that seems natural and normal to NOT have a little superficial and unnecessary. Disclaimer: white male, though I don't label myself an atheist for the same reason I don't label myself a Round-Earther.
An Atheist says "There is no god. End of story." An Agnostic says "I don't know." (with many variations. My personal one is "I don't know and you don't, either."). A Freethinker is basically anybody who DOESN'T say "There definitely is a God" (although I'm sure some Unitarians consider themselves Freethinkers, too).
I answered that (he's wrong). Several times. I'll wait for your hilariously missing-the-point-yet-again reply. This is my entertainment.
Stev0, What's comical (at your expense) is those two articles address a lack of diversity yet you deny it.
OK, OK, I confess you got me! Outside our Atheist clubhouse (ALL HAIL DAWKINS!) we have a big ol' sign saying "WHITES ONLY!" Happy now? Since you've shown you refuse to acknowledge everything I posted showing they are wrong, I'll chalk that down to yet another victory for the Forces of Godlessness and move on.
... I am quitting while I am ahead. I don't think I got any thanks but Rae Vynn got 2 and I am taking partial credit.