My 2005 Prius has 60,000 mile and something in the engine blew out leaving two holes in the engine block. The engine continued to run, but with a major rumble, the oil drianed, safely pulled off the freeway and turned off the motor. I found a 2005 Prius for sale with hole in engine on the internet. Has anyone else heard of this issue.
Hi Welcome to PC. Thats crazy. Haven't heard that one yet. Where are the holes? Can you post some photo's?
Check out sites for salvaged parts, especially Plug In Hybrid Electric Vehicle PHEV for what they want for a low mileage Prius ICE. JeffD
Wow man, hole in the engine block story where the author didn't start out like "well I thought it would be fun to try 30PSI in my stock engine." No pictures and light on details, so all I can say is good luck.
Here's the final details. The shop tried to tell us my wife hit something in the road, that punctured the block, that drained the oil, that caused a bearing to heat up, that caused the broken rod rod, that then punctured many holes into the block. But in the end they realized the rod broke first. I found two other refernces to holes in the block on 2005 pruis. So maybe there was a bad batch of piston rods. My extended warrenty paid off in this case.
Wow, the ICE on the Prius has a very low failure rate overall. A regional manager from Toyota told me they haven't seen one fail in 10 yrs except from a collision. Interesting! Eric
If it's two puncture marks and the fluids have been drained you obviously have been attacked by a Hybrid Nosferatu.
The same thing just happened to my 2002 Prius with 145,000 miles on it. Sadly, we were on a road trip and didn't have the time or money to fix ended up trading it in for a Corolla. They only gave me $250 for the Prius . I have since learned that this is a pretty common problem and that there was a class action lawsuit against Toyota involving sludge causing engines to blow out. Sadly, my car was out of warranty and I did not know about this lawsuit before I traded in the Prius.
No Prius has ever been covered by any sort of oil sludge lawsuit. Whoever said that is a liar. Failure is very, very rare, and is the usually the result of gross negligence of maintenance (never changing the oil) or running out of oil (road hazard, pan plug leak). Even rarer would be a defect in material that causes premature failure, like in the main bearing. Anyway, trufant, were you the original owner? And did you know that you could have had a salvage motor installed for maybe $1500?
I didn't read that anyone said the Prius was involved in the sludge suit, just Toyota, so I don't think anyone was telling lies. Prius is a Toyota, so without checking one might assume the Prius was involved, which it wasn't. That does not mean that sludge problems cannot occur in a Prius. Toyota Agrees to Sludge Settlement for Consumers
Anything can fail. Remember, Murphy was an optimist, and he said "if it can fail it will". Broken rods are very good at punching holes in blocks. That being said, this topic is classic of a rare failure causing much worry. So we now know of -three- Prius engines that had a rod fail, two of GII and one of GI. Out of what, a million? Relax, have a beer (but don't drive afterward for a few hours).
the oil sludge lawsuit involved a certain V6 engine an many thought it had limited merit as to a Prius engine blowing up, this is the absolute 1st I have heard of it and it doesn't really make sense. The engine isn't even close to stressed.
The same thing happened to my 2008 Toyota Prius at 69K miles. The dealership was worthless. They were accusing me of hitting something on the road. This was an obvious defect in the engine. I have contacted Toyota Motor Corporation and filed a case with NHTSA. There are great deal of cases like these that are unreported. Toyota Motors in North America denies this ever happening to their engines. If anyone else has these incidences, please contact NHTSA and file a complaint. This should be a recall. I am inserting a picture of the hole caused by this incidence. If anyone has a similar story please contact me so we can send these complaints directly to NHTSA.
All oil changes were submitted to Toyota Motors - North America and these oil changes were completed every 5000 miles. My Prius did not leak any oil until the rod puncture a hole in the engine from inside. The oil pudle was fresh clean oil coming out of the punctured hole in the engine. Picture above should be able to illustrate.
Thanks for your post and the photo. Sorry to hear that your engine blew up. What did you do about replacing it? Could you please provide another photo, zoomed back, so that we can more easily determine the location of the hole on the engine.