:mrgreen: Wall Street Journal Front Page - Larry and Sergei have billions and drive the Prius. Just an FYI that those who have their cars live like billionaires. Maybe not. Wonder how long they had to wait for theres. Hmmmm - probably not long
well, they probably didn't care if they paid a few bucks over list, that's for sure... and they could always fly to pick one up in their private jets
Don't be silly. A billionaire does not fly to pick up a car. He sends his chaufeur's assistant. Or he sees one he likes on the street and offers the owner $50K for it.
I don't know if I would let someone sleep with my Prius for a Million Dollars or not. I might. Does that make me a bad Priisti?
That's what happening to our pre-ordered Prius :cussing: ...they are being eaten by sharks and profit seeking dealers...I haven't seen any Prius at my local dealer in Dayton Ohio for a month, he usually has one on the lot (of course its an order being ready for delivery)....It may be a LONG LONG wait...Just like the cabbage patch doll craze...and of course the folks with the BIG BIG $$$s will be able to buy us out!
you mean you think Toyota is selling us out for big name people that might be able to get the word out better than us peons? hmmm, maybe... but it seems to me that Toyota doesnt need help getting the word out.
for $25 I allow people to have their picture taken standing NEXT to my Prius... Touching is obviously not allowed.
Don't forget to wear the special fur full brim edition of the Prius Hat in the other thread when offering that.