Darn, and I could never quite put it into words. Give that person 35 points. (Let's revive at least imaginary points. Keep track yourself.) olcorral, please leave that avatar up all winter...
Rush is "The Man" - he's humorous, brash, conceited and right on!! The libs hate him cause he tells the truth and pulls no punches. They cannot match his wit and they have no answer.
His three ex-wives must be, um, libs. Apparently they had no answer, either. Or perhaps just couldn't get a word in edgewise...
I like Democracy Now, from Pacifica Radio. I get it downloaded automatically as a podcast and can listen to it whenever/wherever I like on my iPod. I don't think Rush believes anything he says. He's a carny. He puts on a show. The rubes like it, and he makes big money doing it. It's the verbal equivalent of professional wrestling.
Minnesota Public Radio here -- and sometimes I'm astonished at how LOUD the radio is when I get into the car...I think I turn the volume up when I'm tired. -_-
7. Other (please post) While I like hearing/reading others' opinions, I don't put up with anyone who refuses to let someone voice a different opinion. That's what Rush does (or at least did many years ago, when I first tried out his show). I prefer Joe Scarborough (MSNBC) for the conservative view, because he's a courteous debater who seems to value giving the opposing view proper airtime. As for Rush being "America's Anchorman," that's just another example of twisting words. He tries to present himself as a newsman, when he's not anywhere near being a journalist. He's an opinionator. An anchorperson presents news (who, what, where, why, when, how), not commentary.
No thank you...I've only heard snippets of him on occasion, and I found him to be very loud and quite annoying. I'm also not a fan of talk radio in general. The closest I get is KNX 1070, Newsradio and the Money 101/Business (lunchtime) hour. That's enough talk for me.
h34r: [Broken External Image]:http://www.themoderatevoice.com/files/joe-Somewhere_Between_Michael_Moore_and_Rush_Limbaugh_is.jpg
Rush has a persistent weight problem. Maybe he was saying, tongue in cheek, that he is LITERALLY our anchor-man.