Our '09 generally gets short trips, though last weekend it had a long one. Last night it was fine my wife drove home from work, but when we tried to head out for the evening the check engine, VSC, ABS and brake lights all came on. Nothing funky on the MFD. I ran the battery check procedure and the low value was 12.0 volts. The instructions here say it should be above 12, replace if below. Here we are on the edge? My wife drove it to the dealer and complained that the brakes felt like they weren't working properly. Sounds like she had only hydraulic braking, no regen. The dealer says "there are 3 codes, it needs a sensor installed, we'll get it tomorrow and then look at it again then." No more detail than that (and not a lot of confidence on my part.) Any thoughts on what this could be (or how I should interact with the dealer?) CR
If you can get the 3 DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Codes) codes and any sub-codes from the dealer and post them on here the experts on here would be better able to help you with this.
Re: It worked fine before dinner... (happy ending) The dealer reported that they replaced the brake pedal stroke sensor (under warranty) and all the idiot lights have cleared. Works for me. I also had to take the car for MD emissions inspection that day, and all's well there too. Thanks, folks.