Wow, lots to cover here. Welcome aboard first off! That is a heck of an adventure you are looking at. First I would have the health of the Prius looked at. Perhaps a shop can check the voltage readings of the HV battery to make sure it is up to the trip. It should be but on a trip that long, better safe than sorry. A passport, passcard or NEXUS card is required to travel in and out of Canada. I like the idea of taking a full spare but if your taking a full load, perhaps not. Extra gas would a good idea even if just a liter jug. Don't want to run the car out. Like Mark said, lots of construction areas w/ gravel from the last I heard. A hood shield might be in order. Yes, have a block heater put in and a battery blanket. If you can have that done down there it will likely be cheaper than up here. With it being outside, expect your mileage will suffer so be prepare mentally. I loose about 18% FE in the winter and I have a heated garage. The Parks highway is cleared really well, but that doesn't mean it isn't treacherous. Studded snow tires are pretty much a requirement, no problem storing the tires outside. Hopefully your access road to the cabin will be cleared. If not, chains/cables might be necessary. Everything Mark said. So, what are you going to be doing up here? Well enjoy the trip and be sure to keep us all posted. Peter
Thanks very much Mark! Car being service today and I leave in 4 days! Went ahead and got a full size spare tire/wheel which I will carry just in case. Have decided to take the Cassier Stewart Road which will connect to the ALCAN...a bit more remote and less travelled, more scenic the sites say but the whole thing sounds incredibly scenic, the Milepost, will stop whenever possible for gas, etc and looking forward to the 2 1/2 wk drive. Planning to stop enroute and definitely see Stewart, AK and also maybe down the Glacier Parkway to see Skagway dependent on the time. A bit nervous actually as its a long journey and I'll be traveling solo. Will be staying with friends and family while on the lower 48 and plan to drive through and possibly hike in Glacier natl prk, Banff, and Jasper NP in Canada...Way much to see and do! Your suggestions are insightful including the websites....thanks so much!!!
Have a great adventure! I'm envious. Jasper is one of our favorite places to visit and the drive between Banff and Jasper is amazing. If you have time at Glacier, the drive north of Babb to the Canadian side of Glacier NP is well worth it but then the rest of your trip is unmatched anywhere else on the globe. Be safe and let us know how it's going and when you make it. PS, track you mpg and mileage stats for the whole trip for us.
Hi Mark and Peter Just picking these messages up and just picked the car up....everything looks good ie belts,oil changed, tires look good the HV battery reading is still at a high range ( paperwork in the car--car has 130K on it), new tire mounted on a $400 wheel...what??? Apparently they don't make a steel 15 inch wheel I am told after many phone this is one expensive tire and aluminum wheel for the "just in case" . Of course it does not fit where the donut goes...oh well! Atleast as I am driving alone their is some level of security if one goes flat I can change it out enroute. HA in sayign that ..I havent changed a flat in over 20 years and somehow I dont think AAA is going to be! I will have emergency winter kit, have a very small air compressor/flashlight combo unit, and will likley go ahead and mount my Yakima carrier on gads....gas mileage will take a hit...but everythign has to fit in the car. Actually I will be flying back to Atlanta a few days after arrival to get my two cats...crazy I know but I want to see so much on teh way that hauling two older cats over 2 1/2 weeks didn't make sense either..,unable to sedate and they dont travel well. Not sure which of you live in Palmer vs Anchorage but...I'll arrive on approx 9/12, fly back 14th early morning to Atlanta, and then return on 9/16. Any expereince with the ANchorage Toyota dealer to winterize the car if I make an appointment for the 13th? Need to buy studded ice tires and have them mounted...any suggestions on brand of tires for the weather up there or garages/mechanics?? Can I get them put on the 13th even though it is before the 15th date? WIll return by flight approx 2 a.m on Sat 17th and could do it on the 17th after collapsing..ha! I'll start working 9/19 so doing this during the week will be tough unless garages have extended hours. Otherwise hopefully it wont snow yet and I can do it on the weekend of 9/24-25. Is it usually clean until then?The cabin has a short 150 foot circular grave,l/dirt drive from the main Hatcher Pass road so I think as long as I can hire someone to clear this I should be fine. Any thoughts? ALso any idea cost of the battery blanket and block heater? Its 98 degrees here and I figure I'll get it done there as folks will know what they are doing..ha! I'll be working as an occupational therapist with the Mat su School District within the special ed department. Have a contract till end of May but may just look at settling in...gonna see how it all works out. Thanks again for your help! TAke care to both of you! travelchic ( Susan)
Hey Susan, you will have plenty of time to winterize after you get the cats. It doesn't usually snow till mid-October. Though it will be cooling off. You can have just about anyone do the winterizing. I have been up Hatcher Pass road snowmobiling in the past (with a 4x4) and they keep the main road pretty clear. That is after the first 24 hours. During or just after a snowfall it will be very interesting for a Prius. Peter
Hi Mark Great will look at the Canadian Jasper Park--choices choices! Was going to try and see a bit of Yellowstone also but have now pretty much nixed that idea as it is such a large park. Am planning the following day 1=Atlanta-Kansas City--about 12 hrs day 2 Kansas CIty- Sioux City, SD--11 hours ( or maybe Billings, MT if I can make it ...but doubt it) day 3 Sioux City,SD to Cody, WY and enter Yellowstone on east entrance, through park and exit at end at Cookes City, WY ( will start early) day 4- drive Bear Tooth Drive ( a scenic byway direction of Red LOdge, WY) ending in Billings to stay with family and chill out day 5 Billings to Glacier NP on border of MT and CAnada - 7 hrs and see a little of the park day6 to... ( 8/28- 9/12)this is the problem deciding how much time to devote to each area) Want to take in Road to the SUn in Glcier NP, LAke Louise , BAnff,also Icefields in BANff, JAsper NP, Mt Yoho, maybe Robson Prov Park or maybe not..and now your suggestion. WIll drive Yellowhead HWY to Cassier Stewart HWY and north to ALCAN and head west....will divert to Stewart and if time and down the Glacier HWY to Skagway off the ALCAN if time....what is the most scenic/wonderful-what do I cut out? SO BIG QUESTION---have you done this drive? Wold you recommend foregoing the Cassier Steart highway and just taking the ALCAN the entire way instead? HA I am a bit compulsive so not starting at the beginning of the ALCAN bothers me a bit that is crazy! me a chance to see Stewart and that drive is suppose to be awesome! ANy thoughts??? I have from 8/23 until 9/12 total. Would like to get there even before 9/12 if possible as I must change over utilities! Would you just forgo alot of the plans in Canada parks which might include some day hiking and just get to the ALCAN and explore the numerous places along the way? Kinda think this is a once in a lifetime trip in some ways. If I stay only one year I will travel south next June either by car or do the maritime ferry from Haines to Bellinghanm, WA but am really thinking I may just stay awhile! ANy thoughts/opinions appreciated!!! Also did either of you travel with pets along the ALCAN?..crazy....but would you just bring the cats along? Can always use the ticket later....had to book 2 tickets Atlanta to Anchorage as I will bring them as carry on luggage under the seat because of age and the vet says they wont survive under the luggage hold...was concerned about hotel availability for animals if I wanted to have more choices not to stay in the terribly expensive places after entering in to ALberta, BC, and YUkon. ALso..seriously was concerned about camping with cats staying in the car at night, window cracked or in the tent with me and bears, this a valid concern? Camping gives me more options as their are ample campgrounds along the way...I enjoy luxury ie indoors plumbing as much as others..ha but also do like to camp and found some very cool places online with hot springs, day hikes, museums, etc things along the way! Of course also all of the stops along the way to learn about the area. Not bringing them at all is not an option and even if it is a pain I either have to fly back to get them or drive with them...ha are you rolling your eyes yet? Will keep track of the gas mileage, etc....ha....I just drive normally and get about 44 mpg ( highest has been 49 when I am being best guess will be with the car loaded with a rack and car top carrier, spare tire,and mountainous road I'm perhaps looking at 33-35 mpg....what do you think? Alaska Air allows 3 bags ( $20 each) for each ticket so I will have 6 bags and will bring some stuff this way in case I dont move back to Atlanta in JUne...seems cheaper than mailing items or in buying everything new or even craigslist when I already have many items here.... eh gads...this has gotten long! Alright..well thanks guys....will post again sometime with trip happenings! Take care! Prius gonna be rolling along soon! Susan
Peter. HA..guess I cant cuss on here but sxxx , now I am worried about where I have rented. The person I interviewed with said she had actually been in the cabin/house, had a friend nearby, etc and it was great so I went for it. It was advertised on craigslist, the owner sent a ton of pictures and we talked, etc,It is around mile marker 7 or 8 not far from Turners Corner..the owner said they plow the main road up there almost daily...what do you think> Really dont want to sell my Prius and buy a 4 wheel drive but I know this is an option if I had too....or somehow park the Prius for the winter and buy a cheap truck...from what I read ( and talking to the owner of the cabin) it sounded like that part of the pass stays fairly passable. With good tires will it be a problem? I was thinking the low clearance on the Prius would be the biggest issue? I was also told mile marker 8 to downtown Palmer will be about 15 that right? Also, great about no pressure to get the car winterized right away.. a big relief! Thanks so much for taking the time to correspond! Susan
Yellowstone is great but it gets crowded and traffic can be pretty slow so it can be tough sometimes if you're trying to just breeze through. They do a lot of road work in the summer. It really needs 2 - 3 days to rapidly get through it and still see a lot of it. There is construction on the NE entrance so check this link for the details. Yellowstone National Park - Road Construction Delays and Closures (U.S. National Park Service) Oh, yes, the Bear Tooth Drive above Red Lodge is just gorgeous. We actually saw 3 moose headed full bore over the top of the mountain to get to the other side. I never expected to see them above 10,000 feet. Road to the sun is a must. It's a narrow and tight shelf road. Be aware of the wide motor homes taking more than their share. That powerful Prius horn will scare them though. Watch for the mountain goats and big horn sheep. The chalet at Lake Louise is cool but there's not a lot to do there unless you're staying. The Columbia ice fields glaciers are cool. We've hiked them and also taken the "bus" that goes way up high onto the ice. We like to stay and base out of Jasper because it is small and the town can't grow so it has not become commercial like Banff has. I have not been past Prince George. I would probably stay on the ALCAN but others may have better advice at this point. I hear Stewart and that drive is awesome. How does it effect time and fuel considerations? I think once you get up there you will have a feel for what you want to see and can better decide which of the two routes you want to take. We travel that way a lot. We know where we want to end up at but we flex along the way depending on what we want to see, etc. We don't travel with pets so I can't help you there. You will be in bear country so you will need to be careful with any food you bring with you in the car. They like Snickers a lot better than cats or people. There's a lot of online info on what to do when camping in bear country. I'm guessing you'll get at least 40 mpg average for the whole trip with the roof rack. Susan, you're going to have a blast. I'm soooo envious!
Hey Mark! Thanks for all of the input..yea gonna be a blast regardless of the route I take..just too many things to see and do! Going to do the Ice fields hike with a ranger in Glacier and finalized the itenirary last night...but always am oepn for spontaneous changes..ha it is my middle name. The hikes will be rest day from driving ( aslo around Lake Louise area)and actually staying in the same place 2 nights is more simple..ha.. 10 mile hikes are restful from the driving! Hmm.. Will decide enroute to go west for Cassier or stay on the Alcan as a purist! No sleep here ..this was nuts trying to plan a massive trip and move/change of jobs and wrapping the house up at the same time. The drive actually sounds relaxing! Car is ready and got one of those old people bead things for my is so ugly that no one will want to touch the car....but it is comfortable and airy on my bottom..ha ..reminds me of my grandparents car in the early 70s. JUst finally watched the news..geez..a hurricane is coming to FL where my house is on the East Coast near the beach....breathe deep..ha! do you get the great mileage on the Prius..saw high numbers...are you coasting/gliding alot? Thanks Mark...and will let you know how it goes!! Also have you ever put a " bra" on your protect the front from rocks/chips or headlight covers? I asked at the dealer but they were crazed with customers so I let it go. Asked also at Auto Zone to no avail and don't have time to get the items by mail at this time unless they are easily attached and I have them mailed to Billings, MT where I'll arrive by Fri night to stay with family. As the car is a 2005 it is not perfect but I did have the hood, top and side painted about 6 months ago due to a careless act of backing into a wrought iron mailbox..the mailbox won....major dent in the back passenger panel and had a number of cosmetic things done at the same time.... Alright..Alaska or bust in my little Prius psyched! Thanks again! Susan
Nah, my Prius is a "boy" so no bra there. When you get time later, follow the link in my sig about the mpg. That thread discusses some of the details. Basically, don't run the engine unless you need to (glide) and when you do run it, make it at an efficient rpm range. Efficient is in the upper more aggressive range, IE don't baby it. You might put a quick layer of wax on the hood to help protect it. I also put on a fresh coat of Rain-X on the windshield before a long trip. Have a blast.