Looks like I am getting a Prius today or tomorrow! And just as I figure it all out and offer comes in- 2010 Prius III w/ Nav for around $21k with 20,000 miles on it though.. as opposed to a new Prius II for $23k Seeing as I was going to get an after market nav package anyway (Probably the Rosen for $800) is it better to save a few thousand and get a loaded 2010 or go for new with the 2011? Any thoughts?
New. Fewer questions about reliability, service history. The OEM nav unit is garbage! 23K for a G3-II is a pretty good deal! JMHO. Good luck!
I think I would choose the new 2011 Prius over the 2010 Prius with 20,000 miles. Hope you enjoy your new Prius and congratulations! :welcome:
always better to buy new. just bought a prius and we saved a few thousand and just plugged in out garmin gps
You guys are weird, it almost always makes more financial sense to buy used. Cars depreciate the moment you drive it off the lot. I vote used. Not unless you get a lemon. What does that have to do with it. You can't mod a used car?
No question, you are correct. Financially, it almost always makes sense to buy used. However, there are almost always risks with buying used, and the question is, is the financial difference between the two cars worth the risk of getting a lemon or a car someone neglected? Even something like someone not keeping proper tire inflation and ruining a set of tires can wipe out a significant chunk of savings from buying used. How much is that scratch that the dealer or buyer didn't notice going to bother the new owner? What about door dings? Used cars are used, things are going to be worn. Also, depending on if he's buying in cash, interest rates are lower for new cars. It all depends on your own, personal thresholds for risk, tolerance to flaws, as well as your ability to spot problems. In this case, personally, since the cost difference is less than 10%, and the fact I have no ability to spot problems, even when they're on fire 2 feet in front of my face, I would probably just buy new. I'm also kinda paranoid and a perfectionist. Plus new is more fun. Also, since the OP posted here (http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...2011-prius-rattle-machine-18.html#post1374601) that he's getting a new II tomorrow, I think he just wants confirmation that he's doing the right thing. Best of luck on the purchase MikeR5! Post pics when you get it.
My fear with used- is exactly what you say- how was it treated. Looking up the history- turns outnthis car had a lien on it. So they repossessed. Right there that makes me think the person may have not taken care of it. Maybe they didn't have enough money or time to do anything right with the car? Hard to say. Saving $2,000 is great. But probably not worth it. Also does having 2 owners mean anything when trying to sell the car later on? And as far as getting my new II today- still looking at all offers on the table before I pull the trigger.
No, you can mod a used car just as well. I was just saying the Prius is a fun car to mod... not a reason to buy the new one.
For me personally, the cost differential between buying new vs. buying used was not enough to warrant buying used. As we all know, used Prius pricing has skyrocketed, which made my decision to buy new much easier. But as previous posters have said, it all really depends on your personal situation, the specific deals you are getting new vs. used, etc. Good luck with whatever you decide.
Hey guys. This is my first post. I just picked up my used 2010 Prius II last night. It had 14,188 miles when I signed the paperwork and the interior/body is mint. I paid $23,500. Is that a good deal or a bad deal? I guess it depends where you live. I'm near Orlando, FL. I have a 38 mile commute to work. My first trip today I achieved 56.3 mpg. On the way home it was 51.2 mpg. I had a 2005 Nissan Xterra which was getting 20 mpg on the highway if I was lucky. I am very happy. Is $23,500 for a 2010 Prius II with 14,188 miles a decent deal?
It's done, be happy with the gas savings and reliability, be sure to read your owners manual, lots to learn if this is your 1st Prius.lane:
Should I answer this? Ha. I am paying about $23,000 for my brand new Prius II. Even though prices are crashing on new-the used market seems to still be inflated- really odd. But awesome mileage you're already getting! I have been trying to find a good deal for months- I know as soon as I buy it prices will come down again- but it's time. It's like waiting to buy the latest computer- it's impossible not to get burned by the new one coming out a month later.
If I could get a new one for that price, I would be all over it... In Vancouver, the going price is $29K if you can find one and that's Canadian dollars (a bit more in US dollars). BTW. That's about $1,500 over the list price on the Toyota Canada website.
A few months ago they were going for as much as $28k for a II here in LA. I waited and they came down pretty fast. I'd expect them to go down another $1k or so in the next month or 2.
buying used , you are taking a chance. you wouldn't believe what some people could do to a vehicle, boat, ect, in a few months, hours, miles. in my life i have been burned a few times, and i was on the lookout every time i was looking at used. if there is any chance i can buy new, i most certainly will.