Hey all, I've been away from PriusChat for a bit since my summer job took up my time the last few months, but I just finished and have been doing some longer trips. I just did NYC to DC this morning... There were some huge traffic jams, of course, and some torrential rains near Baltimore, but for most of the time when things were moving, I used 50 mph as a floor and stayed between 50 and 60 mph. That yielded 66.8 mpg on the Prius MFD for the 240 miles. On long, slight uphills and long, slight downhills, I used as little gas as possible to keep the car going (basically SHM). On anything with a steeper slope and corresponding downside, I would hold speed up slope or accelerate slightly, usually hold over the crest to get a bit more acceleration, then warp stealth down the backside. That was it! I was thrilled to finally get a good long pure highway drive. Hope everyone's having a good summer!
Yeah, I was in the right lane, but with dense traffic most of the time, so I was getting passed, but not necessarily by much, was with the flow.
in dense bumper to bumper traffic the drafting helps to increase MPG, that was my observation. BTW what tires/psi are you running on? did you use ECO? A/C?if you did at what temp?
mikewithaprius, Nice work. Given the conditions, I'd call those GenII hypermileing numbers. :rockon: I once got 58.x MPG on a round trip between Ballamer and northern Jersey. Light traffic, 55-60 MPH, no A/C. Used the cruise control on one leg, did my best on the other, got the same MPG both ways. On a recent 2 week vacation to Maine got 53.x overall. Did the highway portions at 65 MPH, A/C at 75 degF all the way; it was during the recent hot-as-Hades spell. Feel I did OK.
Bonnes questions! I actually keep forgetting to put in air, it's been a couple months since I've checked pressure, but was 42/40 psi back then. A/C was on low, 76 or 77°F the whole time, which was very comfortable for me. I'd only turn it off and open windows during traffic jams or anytime under 42 mph. I've got the old 2007, so no ECO mode available. I still have about 1600 miles more to drive this summer, I might try upping the range to 55-65 mph to see, I know it worked better for Hobbit going a bit faster. Plus I'll get there faster I had gotten 59.8 mpg on the MFD (so close!) the previous day from Rhode Island to NYC for those 185 miles. It was nighttime, I had another passenger so wasn't very focused on the precision of the gas pedal. Not sure if just the terrain made that big a difference or what. In any case I'm looking forward to the rest of the legs, hypermiling really makes long trips bearable, it's something fun to pass the time!
Jeez and I thought I did well with 59mpg showing on the MID after a run across the two mountain ranges out west. Well done!
Congrats on the 59.8! The passenger really puts a cramp on any hyper-milers style. My girlfriend can't stand when I stay under 42 on side roads to P&G. I ration with her that the Prius is very quiet and the transmission ultra smooth so it might feel slower than she thinks. The cars whizzing by are just checking out the hot Prius driver. A quick flick of the MPh-->KPH switch only proves my point
OK, I'm in Nashville, so here's a mileage summary of the trip, MFD numbers only: RI to NYC: 59.8 mpg, 185 miles NYC to DC: 66.8 mpg, 240 miles DC to Knoxville: 57.0 mpg, 488 miles (long day!) Knoxville to Nashville, 61.8 mpg, 182 miles DC to Knoxville was just atrocious from a hypermiling perspective, since it was pedal to the metal all the way throughout Virginia on route 81 for every single hill (read: mountain). I was going faster overall, but it was really the terrain that killed it. Knoxville to Nashville was also quite mountainous in the middle, but besides the one giant mountain, Tennessee is apparently well made for the warp stealth highway methods. I was going relatively fast most of the time, too, with max speed over 80 mph, and most of the time between 60 and 70 mph. I was actually passing other vehicles, it's been months! The last hour I really wanted to try to up the mileage, so I changed to 55 mph as the floor speed. So far that makes 1,095 miles travelled at 60.2 mpg MFD average, cost of about $63 in gas! Thinking of cutting up north to drive back next week. If the Prius can get about 60 mpg in the mountains, I'm really curious to see what it does in the plains...
Hey Mike, I am wondering if I saw you, took similar route. Without divulging, is your license plate tag suggestive of hypermiling in a Prius?
Keeping your speed down really helps with mileage. I find I can get better mileage around town, as long as traffic is light, not a lot of stops, and sufficient duration. As speed goes up a lot of factors start working against you. One frustration with your mileage claim: calculated mileage will very likely be lower.
No, it's just a boring collection of numbers from Rhode Island. Any PriusChat member who snaps a picture of me driving the way back gets a drink on me Mendel, Yes, I know of the overstatement of the MFD (you'll notice how careful I was to say MFD for the astute PriusChatters like yourself ). My gas fill-ups on this trip seem to be averaging right around 58 mpg, so that all fits so far. I'm expecting the way back to be a little better without Virginia in there, but who knows!
I've been very pleased with the mpg on the Prius. I picked mine up 2 weeks ago and commute from northern VA to DC almost every day and I'm holding at 51mpg. Great feeling having owned many cars that are lucky to get half that.
OK guys, here's the end of the info for the thread. Finished off with 59.4 mpg officially by gas pump numbers, but I suspect as low as 58.4 mpg for 2,539.8 miles travelled. This was no hypermiling picnic, so much of the driving seemed annoyingly mountainous (I mean, pretty to see, but not good from the mpg standpoint!). The car itself still hugely impresses me for its capacity for these sorts of numbers...is there another car in production today capable of that efficiency over the same route? Very much looking forward to getting back to real, non-highway hypermiling Mike with a Prius: The results are in...
Intéressant! Une point notable - Le bouton réinit. Sur la modèle 2004/2005, le même bouton lire "remise à zéro" lol.