I recently backed into my garage door and damaged the spoiler on my 2005 Prius. Color: Black Where can I buy a new or undamaged used one? Thanks in advance.
I dont have a part number but here is a link to where you can buy one for $315.77 I don't know how you would tell them what color you want. You may want to get it at your local Toyota dealer. Toyota Parts Cheap.com
Once again another numbskull has sacrificed his 2005 Prius' spoiler to the power of the Overhead Door. Any updated sources for replacement?
Embarc, Sorry to hear about your run-in with the garage door! Nothing is more embarrassing and demoralizing than little "uh-ohs" (as my nephew calls accidents) involving garage doors or other parking related objects. I know that I've had my fair share Anywhoo, I'm sure that you could find an after market, knock-off brand on eBay all day long but if you wish to stay OEM then I would recommend checking out toyotapartszone.com. They typically offer the best prices I've seen for OEM Toyota parts so I'm almost positive that you could score a good deal on the replacement spoiler Where are you taking your Prius for the repairs, by the way?
It's totally the garage's fault! I'm looking for a grey, drivers side, carpeted floor mat for my 2005.