I have to store my Prius for about 4 months. I've tried to find one definitive thread on what to do and I've boiled it down to these points. Does this seem OK? Also can anyone suggest a brand of battery tender or place to get one? Here's what I'll do: - Ensure that the HV battery is almost completely charged. - Disable SKS - Purchase 12v Battery Tender and attach to the car's battery terminals under the hood - Place moth balls around the car to prevent rodents ANY and ALL advice is appreciated. The car will be parked partially outside in the Los Angeles area until December or so. THANKS!
I suggest a Battery MINDER AGM model. BatteryMINDer® Plus AGM/OPTIMA Maintenance Charger / Desulfator-Conditioner 12 Volt – 1.0 Amp | All | Battery Chargers by BatteryMINDers.com It is also available from Amazon. Looks like a plan Have a good trip. JeffD
We only take one Prius to AZ each winter. The other Prius stays in our garage in Colorado. Here's what we do: - Turn off SKS - Pump up the tires to 41 all around. - Put it on an Optimate battery tender. We have an Optimate 3+ in CO and an Optimate 4 (for the Miata) in AZ. You can buy an Optimate 3+ or 4 on Amazon for around $50. - Put a sock over the exhaust pipe. - Do not leave the parking brake on. - Have a neighbor come over every two months or so, disconnect the Optimate, remove the sock and let the car run until it stops (typically 15 minutes). Then reconnect the Optimate and repace the sock. Have not had any issues so far.
Do not use mothballs to deter rodents, that is an old wives tale. A friend of mine used mothballs while storing his VW camper, rodents still got in and pooped everywhere. Even worse, the van smelled like mothballs for 2 years after...and mothballs aren't exactly healthy for humans. Best to put rodent killer around the vehicle, or get a cat if you are concerned about critters in/around your stored vehicle.