A picture tells the story - have had it for around 6 months, and now there is what looks like paint (flat finish) peeling all around it... Spent 20 minutes on the phone with Metra (tech support) - they say they don't do warranty to individuals - I must go to the retailer. Spend 20 more with onlinecarstereo.com - they say no - they exchange for 30 days - then I have to deal with the manufacturer (which makes sense)... It's not worth my time to pursue - so I'll just order a Scosche and be done with it...
Glad I returned mine back to amazon due to a failed install (my Sony HU was DOA). I was wondering if that rubbery texture would peel. So now its only the Scoche and overpriced Toyota OEM surround bezel...any other alternatives? Sorry this happened to you and thanks for giving us all the heads up!
My first exposure to Metra was a couple of weeks ago. I ordered a sheet of plastic speaker grill material. The back side was composed of small truncated pyramids, the front side was smooth. It was tight enough that it took considerable effort to blow through it, I couldn't feel air moving on the other side when I blew through it. Holding it on front of a speaker made an obvious drop in sound quality. Since It cost less than $9.00 delivered, I just dropped it in the garbage can and made a mental note of the companies name.
Yep - those are the only options... As background, Scosche is 2010 Toyota Prius Single & Double DIN dash kit P/N TA2105B ~ $20 delivered... If you get the Toyota part (OEM look), it's P/N 55405-47080 ~ $90 delivered - and you need the outside fill 'tabs' by Metra 95-8202 ~ $18 delivered...
For me the Toyota Surround was the best option as it matches the dash exactly, except for the end gaps. My Kenwood came with filler, but any "quality" Hack Shack can sell or tell you where to get the best material to use. If you prefer, the part numbers for the Toyota filler pieces are in this forum, just don't remember where. Metra and Scosche are good companys, but you get what you pay for. Be advised, the Scosche is also "painted" to match. http://cdn.priuschat.com/forums/images/silk/attach/jpg.gif
I've got the same problem and was considering sanding it smooth and then spraying it with plasti-dip. Anyone tried this? If not, I'll be the guinea pig (probably not until this weekend) and post my results.
Update: I did finally pull it out for repair. Sanded it smooth where it had flaked off and then sprayed it with Plasti-dip. It came out OK and is much better than before but I really need to put a few more coats on to level it out a bit. Had to put it back in before I was satisfied with the results but it only took a few minutes and no one would even notice it now. I've got more time than money so this was a good option for me.
I've recently developed the same problem with the Metra trim. Mine took 7 or 8 months to show up. I'll be happy to buy the Scosche--if it will hold up. If you've had a Scosche trim kit for more than 6 months, how is your holding up?
A search for the P/N here gave the following info: 55405-47080 - for main trim for 2010 Prius 86221-52050 - for side 10mm filler (left?) 86221-52060 - for side 10mm filler (right?) Someone ordered all three from discount toyota parts dot com (google it) for $92 shipped.