I was told that these have to be paid on top of the price. Could someone tell me what TDA and WFR are, and are all 4 of these charges mandatory? Transportation: $580 Gasoline: $10 TDA: $242 WFR: $217 Thanks
transportation is for shipping from port to your dealer. yes, you are stuck paying that one. gas... is this a 2005 or 2006 model? on the 2005 model the sticker says that MSRP includes a full tank of gas, so you shouldn't have to pay that. point it out on the sticker for them, it should be in the section that covers all the standard equipment at the top. get an explanation for tda and wfr before paying for them.. i've never heard of either and they aren't familiar numbers.
Transportation or destination charge, yes, you should expect to pay this. $10 gasoline is probably not worth arguing about. WFR is wholesale finance reserve (WFR) which is paid back to the dealer after sale of the vehicle by the manufacture. Holdback which is paid back to the dealer by the manufacture. Toyota Dealer Advertising (TDA) is paid by the dealer. Everything is negotiable. DealerTricks.com You can use the 2006 Model Year Prius Calculator to determine your dealer's actual costs. B)
Thanks, I just found that http://www.siennaclub.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=800 myself. So, are these legit or, as Kiloran said above - "everything is negotiable"? (...and I forgot to mention the Holdback)
"Legitimate" is debatable. Everything is negotiable but that doesn't necessarily mean you'll reach an agreement.
I didn't pay either of them and I'll bet that the bulk of our contributors didn't either. Most businesses pay their expenses out of their gross profit...and there is plenty of that in a Prius at MSRP when you consider that the holdback adds to their profitability. I hope you aren't facing "additional dealer markup" too (sometimes called "market adjustment" or a myriad of other creative adds.
Where is this dealer? They could just as well call this $469 "market adjustment"---or "unsullied profit"! $10--- for less than 5 gal. (?) of gas, indeed! You should ask them to itemize it: how much is it per gallon? Does is include a labor charge for "applying" the gas to the gas tank?
Anything is negotiable. If they tack on extra fees, negotiate the price down on the car itself. If the price is unsatisfactory, go somewhere else.
You've got to be bullshatting me... If my dealer asked me to PAY for their TV commercials and CLEANING MY CAR before they gave it to me, I'd be livid... Ad revenue comes out of profits, no way should you have to pay an additional subsidy, and taking a clean car at delivery should be a given. :angry:
Kiloran is right. Dealers can charge anything they want. If you don't want to pay it...they are hoping someone else will. I am surprised at the number of people who get upset when someone wants to get the most money out of a "non-necessity" item like a car. Particularly if you can go somewhere else for the same thing. How about anger over taxes being raised...we can't escape that.