I was driving home from Acton CA and decided to reset the display on my car. The drive was down hill. I started to look at the display and the MPG kept on going up. At one point for 13 miles the display read 81.2 miles. I never saw my MPG go this high. It would be absolutely incredible if anyone could get this type of mileage daily.
It's kind of like playing a slot machine and you get "jackpot" on the first and second reel and the "jackpot" is up half a position on the last reel. It sure would be nice if that last one was in the right place but life just doesn't seem to work that way.
For only 20 miles? That was a little hill. I can raise your 99.9 MPG to 81 miles, though pictoral proof of 99.9 ends at 52.5 miles. That same trip read 84.6 MPG at at 105.2 miles. But I cannot come close to the Japanese hypermilers who achieved 117 MPG (converted from their metric display), especially the one who maintained it for 3000 kilometers. The picture is around here somewhere.
Mine's a GEN III but I did 76.418 mpg over 522 miles (80.8 mpg displayed) in March this year. Here's the thread & pics if you're interested http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...my/91765-i-broke-my-old-mpg-record-today.html Also look at the other link in my signature. I also maintained 75 + mpg for over 805 miles last year. With practice, it can be done and you don't need a big hill and short miles to do it.
+1 I had a nice 74+ mpg tank with over 800 mi. this summer. My typical summertime avgs. over the last couple summers have been 70 - 73 mpg. Like Mark said it just takes practice, focus, & maybe modifying your route a little if you can. I was able to replace a couple highway mi. with suburban mi. (same distance, 5 min. longer commute) to bump my avg. into the low 70's.
109 MPG for 1397 miles. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-prius-main-forum/10132-prius-marathon-run.html
Thanks Dan! I'm always interested in reading about the previous high mpg accomplishments of the longer term members. It's old news to you guys, but many of us that have been here even a few years have not heard of or read those really old threads. I've searched for them before but I knew there had to be more than what I was finding. Thanks! Update: I just read Dan's Prius Marathon Run thread above. I'm in awe and bow to the master. :hail: That was in 2005 and I'm as excited about it today as everyone was back then.
Mark, Anyone could do the same with some instruction on the same course. My Gen II was the real star of the event. At the time I had around 40-50k miles IIRC. Now I'm up to 255k, still with the original brakes. My lifetime average is about 58MPG, about the same as yours.
Last year late at night when I was driving from Alexandia to Richmond my scan gauge gave me a 121 miles per gallon. It so much easier to keep a steady pace when there aren't other cars on the road and the road is more or less flat. The drive back due to the stop and go traffic gave me 59 miles per gallon.
You are too kind. In the past, I created my own rectangular course here with rolling hills, rough rural roads, lots of wind, some head light usage, and lots of reading and experimenting on techniques. I did my attempts over multiple days and therefore had to overcome the multiple engine warm-ups. I wanted a mpg record of a minimum of 400 miles. While 75+ mpg is good, I wanted to do a lot better. I haven't given up and I won't rest until I beat 100 mpg actual. My chosen course could be better and after reading the 2005 record thread, I will rethink the kind and course layout I've chosen. With those attempts under my belt, I have a good idea what it took in the way of stamina, mental concentration, and discipline for you guys to accomplish that record. I doubt it's ever broken with a similar vehicle. To say I'm impressed is an understatement.
Actually, I believe that the record was broken by a woman in Japan with a Gen II that goes by Teddybear. If you do a search you might find a thread about it.
Do you mean TeddyGirl? New World Record! 112 mpg 1,456 miles/tank! World record distance on a single tank for a Prius II - Japan - July 4 - Aug 16, 2006 A year later: over 1,600 miles, Another World Record with a single tank Another year later: New World Record - 1619 miles per tank 2009: New World Record - 1680 miles per tank 2010, a >3000 km (1889 mile) tank at 118.9 mpg: New World Record Challenge: over 50km/L(117mpg) tank So, when will Ken report a new record for 2011?
My goal of achieving 99.9 mpg at 99.9+ miles is coming closer to fruition. Today produced a picture of max mpg at a bit over 80 miles, and over 90 mpg at 100 miles. While some improvement is possible on this route, reaching the goal with my current skills will require a modified route. Newbies, a reminder: this isn't a fair test, it is just a response to a TDI challenge that lacks adequate rules. Except for car model, I am obeying their rules (second picture only). I'll never be in the same league as these Prius fans.