Does anyone know if you can take a 2004 prius and upgrade it with the 2006 head-unit (which has aux in) and the rear camera? Granted you'd need to run wires, but I'd think it would be possible. At least, I hope so. Any help or knowledge would be great. Thanks! -r
I know you could add a rear camera. It's just a license plate holder with a camera. Think I seen the link here, maybe someone can help.
i know coasteletech makes one, but i'd like to try and go with oem stuff. the wiring doesn't exist in the 2004, but the port is there. if i could replace the headunit and add the camera, i would be happy. i got my wife a 2006 sienna and the toyota nav screen is now a higher resolution and the navigation experience is much better overrall. i wonder if the 06 prius will have the same system. anyway... -r
Just saw the rear backup camera today on a 2006 at the Orange County Prius Club- it is cool. Any newer word on whether the 06 camera would work on an '05?
Assuming you're talking about the Viewtech 200? with the A/V input you should've stated that "...coastaletech MADE ONE". Dave 'made one' and then put it in his wife's 2004. He's never sold ANY to ANYONE Y E T ! (If ever....)
actually, we will be pulling an attempt at throwing in the aux-in into our 05 once my husband has time to go through all the wiring diagrams of the 06 vs 05 and decides whether it's doable without a major undertaking. if anything pans out i'll share how it got done.
I've already checked out the wiring on the 2006 for the backup cam. Quite a bit different than the 04-05. It's not looking good. Nate