Because of the economy, I eat out a lot less than I used to, and I have to say, I don't miss it. Wait to be sitted, wait for a menu, wait to place your order, wait to get your food, wait to get the bill, wait to pay, wait for your change.....I can spend less time, less money and eat better/healthier at home. Much prefer to have friends over to to dine at friends homes.
About 3-4 times a week for lunch, and 3-4 times a week for dinner. Breakfast and most other meals are made up of left-overs from these outings. A foreign and insulting idea for many, but in 'merica it seems to be the way to do it. If they insist on giving me 3 portions of food or more in a meal, then I make it last 3 or so meals. I am not going to sit there and clean my plate... And I count "frozen meals" as dining out, because really it is essentially a take-n-bake restaurant.
Oh yeah, I forgot about leftovers. Plenty of leftovers from take-out and dining out, but more from my wife's meals.
I limit how often I eat out so that I really enjoy it. Familiarity does not breed contempt, but it does lessen the enjoyment. I avoid a set schedule, or eating out to solve a problem. We are lucky that my wife and I both enjoy cooking and eating at home. These days I spend 3-4 days a week away from home, and bring along a BIG lunch container (actually, an ice box) filled with vegetables and home cooking. Like others, I avoid chains and fast food like the plague. A Veggie-vegan and hot pepper lifestyle are not compatible with American swill.
I guess I eat out too much. During the week, a colleague and I eat at Chili's three or four days a week depending on our schedules. I'm pretty predictable there; Bottomless Lunch Special (chips, salad w/thousand island and potato soup). Weekends? My eight-year-old daughter and I are often on the go. We tend to eat out more than we eat at home. Olive Garden, Longhorns, Red Lobster, whatever we can find.
If you're talking about Mickey-D (which I do not consider Dining out) we prob eat out 2-3 times a week. The brass and glass places.....prob 1-2 times a month. I've been lucky enough not to have been stung too badly by the economy over the last 2-3 years, however (comma!) we've cut waaay back on dining out.
I have to say that airportkid and us have to same way of eating out. I have not eaten in a fast food place in years. Our choice of restaurants is more the famlly cafe. We don't need the fancy expensive places. Eating at home is a rear occasion saved for a few Holidays.
Breakfast once or twice a week, lunch 3 or 4 times and dinner 2 or 3. Usually individually owned family style restaurants plus an occasional Jalapeno Burger at Carls once or twice a month.
About twice a month, each time under $7/each. We travel a lot during summer (eat primarily at small cafes and pizza places). We don't earn much, so we like to cook at home (and spend on organic when possible), and use the money saved for travel.
Sure. That's about as 'dining out" as you can get! (Unless you're talking about MRE's....but that's no picnic )