Made the last payment on my 2006 Prius this week. Has a little over 106K miles on it and other than what you would normally expect for those miles (tires, wiper blades, etc.) there have been no major maintenance issues at all. Now however, I have notice that three of the soft touch buttons on the steering wheel dont work anymore. I'm thinking that perhaps they may just need a good cleaning behind the face plate. If not, and there's something more wrong, then I'll have to take it in, which I hate to do as there's no more warranty coverage. So my questions are: (1) has anyone else had experience with the buttons on the steering wheel that stop working, and if so what was the fix; and (2) is there any extended warranty available over 100K miles? thanks, RD
Mine died a slow death as the right side buttons stopped working. It started at 50 or 60k and never affected the left side. The clockspring cable was replaced at 99,950 under warranty. Requires pulling the steering wheel to get to the cable. Good luck, Jerry
thanks guys, and yeah Dave, I'm still looking at the leaf! I really like that car. Thanks JeffD. What is ReInVolt?? I go through Sanford from time to time going to visit family in Clinton. Is that a dealer? or service place? RD
yeah, mine is just the right side buttons too. were they able to fix yours? was is the clockspring cable? I dont know what that is, but was it expensive?
ReInvolt is also known as Taylor Automotive. A new clockspring is $300, so this repair is in the several hundred dollar range.
i dont use them much either, but would be a tough sell for someone buying it. no matter how much you tell them about how well you took care of the car, something like this would kill the resale value
True if you want to sell it, but if you LOVE your prius, would you sell it? By the time you sell it, it should be nearly worthless anyway, so it won't matter.