Hi guys, Going to have to go to the pumps this evening to fill up for the first time. I know to just use regular gas on the Prius, however I've heard you should use brand name gas. I used to fill up at random Cash Only stations because the cost was 20-30 cents cheaper per gallon. Should I completely avoid these types of stations and only go to say Shell? Any opinions/suggestions would be appreciated. I am stuck at work till 5:30p est. So let me know before then! Thanks, X
I would suggest experimenting. See what works best. I have seen as much as almost 3mpg difference between some brands but it is most likely the station since it is all the same stuff with different names. 3mpg difference over the same distance will be around .5 gallon (example uses 425mi and 50 or 47mpg). That is around 1.80 difference. 20c a gallon difference is also around 1.80. So...it really is a wash.
It's been my experience that alcohol free 100% gasoline is far better (if you can find it) than E-10.
I agree. I frequent one of two local Shell stations. One of the stations has nice young ladies that pump your gas for no extra charge.
I'm partial to Chevron, mostly superstition I suppose. One thing, they still have FREE air, that get's my vote. Funny, I can remember my FIRST fill up, I mean: first in my life. At least at a self serve, which sort-of sprouted up in my carless years, between youth and responsibility. I had no idea that the pump would shut off. Or not. Also, I think it took me 3 tries to get up beside a pump, with gas cap also adjacent to it, LOL.
I drove a 1966 mustang from 1994 to 1999 as a daily driver. It has the gas cap in the center back, adjusting to a side filler was quite the task as I was used to pulling up anywhere and being able to fill.
The strangest thing in my area the cheapest gas gives the best mpg in all three cars, found this after years of crunching numbers. The honda fit dash mpg the most accurate only off a couple tenths from actual number crunching.
I found Honda Civic Hybrid (06) dash mpg (well, liters per 100 km) very accurate as well, slightly underestimating.