ive seen people add custom plastic and wood surroundings if it doesn't fit if so do they make those plastic surroundings on those aftermarket head unit or should I just get the one that is made for a Prius? If so where can I buy these? Thank you for yout time
They ALL fit. You just have to get the proper harness for them. It's easy.. Just go find one you like and it will fit. It's all about finding the headunit you like for the price you want. Ryan
Single, double DIN, OE replacements. Whatever you want to pay. Follow the A/V upgrade link in my sig to see the Pioneer unit I put in.
Here is mine 9980HD: Overall, it is an O.K. unit (can't say "excellent", but there is no such HU available at this time) compared with all current offerings from any manufacturer feature- and quality-wise. I guess everything will change once we get a 4G wireless inside our cars.
There's a search function on this forum that will help you if you use it. There are double DIN surrounds for the GIII Prius from Metra and Scotsch (sp.?) I believe, but the finish doesn't exactly match the Prius dash and there are question marks over its longevity (one member has had the finish peel off). The Toyota OEM dash fascia is pricey, but an exact match and has a good standard of fit and finish. It isn't double DIN, but is intended for the Toyota TNS510 nav unit, which is 20mm wider than double DIN but double DIN height. Metra do an insert kit though, that fills the 10mm gap either side of a double DIN unit if this dash fascia is used. The Toyota OEM part is the best choice if you want to fit an aftermarket double DIN head unit, I believe, it's what I had fitted with a Kenwood and it looked pretty good. The post above this shows the Toyota OEM part with the infill pieces and a standard double DIN HU. If you use some of the terms above in the search function you'll turn up threads that will help and give you more detail. Jeremy