Day two was not as great, tho I was going a bit faster, avg speed of 55, got 53 mpg over 110mi. Loving this car.
One thing i've noticed, is when I start the car, for the first few minutes even when I'm below the center line on the dashboard....its still really low that because engine is warming up or something? What should I do to make this better? or no matter what will it just even out in the long run?
You are correct. The ICE starts up to warm things up. There's a thread in the "Gen III 2010 Prius Technical Discussion Forum" that describes the warming up stages in the gen III. Well worth a read!
Did you have a chance to fill up? I'm curious how your tank MPG came out. And yes, it is WAY better than 20 - 24 MPG, isn't it!