i think it's hillarious... i wanted to put a simliar sign on my car... really for the people who cruise in the left lane or pass in the right.. a move over because you're slow kind of sign. <-- passing only. you're slow, move over --> move would go backwards across the top of the windshield where my "prius prius prius" mini logos are currently... though.. only 1 is left (center one) or even " <-- WOI5 " across the front top. so they'll see <-- SLOW
Uh sorry, but you get better mileage at lower speeds, which is why people do that. (To a point, but I assume we're talking about above 20 mph). Accelerating very slowly (to avoid using the ICE) however does the opposite of the intention - that will cause lower mpg. To the point of the thread, I need to get a magnetic rubber bumper stickers that say "I <3 Prius", just to have it so I can slap it on the back of a truck like that.
Agreed. James Woolsey, former CIA directory drives a Prius, but he might need to update his bumper sticker now: "Bin Laden hates this car". I'm guessing he's not a liberal. There's many reasons to drive a Prius and many types of owners, as some of the discussions in the FHOP or environmental forums can attest to. We can't assume tree-huggers are left-wingers either. I'm on the board of a prairie restoration group, we are hands-in-the-dirt-actual-restoration, and several members are staunch Republicans, many of our donors are as well. In fact, a married couple in our group has connections to the George W. administration and are very active in the field of conservation. You think about early efforts at land protection and you come across of course Teddy Roosevelt founding the National Park System, Nixon and the EPA, and Ducks Unlimited, which has a lot of NRA members, but they've done good work at a time when not many others were. Unfortunately I feel the majority of the party today has left that heritage behind and moved entirely to pro-business at the expense of resource protection (short-term gains over long-term strength). That rant aside, I do think it's safe to say this particular truck driver votes Republican.
Yes, I was talking about accelerating briskly or getting up to speed faster. The stereotype comes from too many Prius owners babying the pedal.
This is 1973 or 1974 F150 and most of you were not born yet. The reason why the bumper is made of wood is because they don't make parts for them anymore. I think he is using projection. What he is really saying is I hate driving this 40 year old truck while you guys get to drive high tech Prii. They don't make parts for them anymore! Good luck on Ebay!
Well both characters. The "less than" sign combined with the number "3". <3 really is like a kiss (and hence the "heart" or "love" connotation)
Ah ha hard to learn all those special text characters I see them on Facebook and have to ask questions there too Mike :tea: