Reminder for future Pennsylvania purchasers - possible grant

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by Dauth, Mar 18, 2004.

  1. Dauth

    Dauth New Member

    Feb 23, 2004
    Chester County, PA
    Pennsylvania offers an Alternative Fuels Incentive Grant on your purchase of a Hybrid vehicle. The value can be up to $1500 but it is based on the total grant allocation and most recently was for $600. The rub is you have to apply before you buy and it has to be during a time of open application. Right now, the applications are not open so it won't do me any good as my car is due in at the end of the month. Those who are waiting longer though may want to keep an eye on this site:

    It will tell you when the applications are open and what forms to fill out. I really don't have a lot more information but, I hope this helps someone.
  2. falcinator

    falcinator New Member

    Mar 10, 2004
    I had called a few weeks back and found out the open period would start in mid July and end in october and there there were no turn downs as of yet. She also told me that the grant covers the %20 cost of the extra cost of the hybrid engine depending on dealer estimates which range from 2 to 3 thousand dollars. So the grant ends up being 4 to 6 hundred dollars and the initial down payment does not count. It only refers to the bill of sale date not the deposit!
  3. DrSpiffy

    DrSpiffy New Member

    Apr 30, 2004
    Easton, PA
    I was awarded one of these grants in the last cycle, for $500. I'm still waiting for my Prius but it will cost me $500 less. Seems like a lot of paperwork for $500. In addition to the paperwork I have already done I have to submit proof of purchase to get my $500 and then have to submit quarterly mileage reports for three years.

    Also, if you do the math on the numbers on the DEP AFIG web site, you find that the average grant for the purchase of a HEV was $922. I wonder why I got so much less.

    The amount is supposed to be based on 20% of the additional cost of the hybrid technology in the vehicle.

    The sales tax that the Commonwealth charges on the purchase will be way over $500 and I'll have to pay tax on the $500 offsetting somewhat the $1500 federal deduction for buying a HEV. Still, it is better than nothing I suppose.