does anyone know how the technology works? I'm hoping I can input data from my laptop to my car when it comes... thanks
I have asked here a few weeks ago just to transfer phone numbers, but it seemed the discussion was a hack for windows. Just bump this up once in awhile and maybe someone of the thousands here have some info. Lot of Mac/prius owners here.
I've had no luck trying to fool my Silver Cloud into thinking my PowerBook is my SE710a. I can't pair the PowerBook and Silver Cloud either. I can sync the PowerBook with the SE710a, and transfer phone books from the SE710a to the Silver Cloud, but it's not easy. The DAS Prius Bluetooth implementation is deprecated and only takes one number per name, and does not honor name order. It's easier to dial from the phone, since you can do that while moving.
Havent' tried (And won't be able before my '06 arrives in February :-( ) But I cannot see why it shouldn't work as long as you use OS X 10.4 Tiger and the latest Bluetooth, iSync Updates. It is also important to use Apple's built-in Bluetooth module and not some external dongle. Tiger's Bluetooth support is better when using built-in Bluetooth. I have managed to pair PowerBooks with just about everything (I am in IT and specialise among other things in Networking and Telecommunications). You may have to try different options when using the "New device" wizard. You will need OBEX so it might be necessary to use a profile different from Headset. "Any device" should probably do the trick. Good luck. Alex
Before ordering I had a Prius for a day and tried with several BT phones. What I noticed is that after pairing you need to initiate a "first" connection for the Prius to consider pairing successful. So I would immagine that if the Mac considers pairing OK, initiating a connection by transer/phonebook could work. Alex