The bigger the truck the dumber the right-winger driving it! So I guess only left wingers drive Priuses-hummm Guess you show your true intelligence!
^Too right. I found a new member of the hideous modern-day politburo to add to my ignore list (fitting enough username). Good riddance to hippie rubbish.
I like the truck those old Ford's were tough and reilable. I did not know vehicles can have political leanings, can't we all get along? Thanks haveagooddayeveryday for taking and sharing the photos with us. As for the MOVE being spellt backwards that is to funny. It may have taxed the drivers mental faculties to try and write the I hate Prius's backwards.
Epic, like the pictures *America should be free of hate by now... I suppose. p.s. I wonder when truck like this cause accident and police arrives, what he's going to say? I'm hater?
"the political calling card, you just couldn't refuse." i hope you don't think all pc members are tree huggin bo supporters. i own a '11 prius, and i'm far from a stout rt winger, but nowhere near a hippie pot smoker either.
Environmentalism should not be associated with hippyism. The pot smoking hippies usually don't have much of a clue but their hearts are in the right place. Most environmentalists I know are highly educated and understand the subjects. I'm a tree hugging, dirt worshiping, whale kissing environmentalist but I work in the field so I get to see first hand the degradation we cause. Not many of the so-labeled anti-environmentalists like good old Newt or Bjorn Lomborg have a clue.
Why does anyone (or in this case any THING) have to be "right" or "left". I think it's that very mentality that is causing our country to crash and burn. It IS possible to accept/agree with ideas from the right, left, and middle all at the same time. Call it compromise, call it balance, call it whatever you like, but I really hate it when biparitsanism clouds one's ability to actually think for themself.
I don't know why people try to comeback at haters by flaunting mpg, or suggesting that their gas-guzzlers compensate for something else. That's grade-school tactics and easily shrugged off. If they care about how they spent their money, they would have done so already. For this type of antagonism, I prefer to use the wisdom of Marilyn Manson: "Use your fist and not your mouth!" (i'm kidding. i like the song and it could be useful.)
With "MOVE" next to it, obviously slow drivers. Go faster and you'll cease that stereotype (and get better mpg to boot).
I know we are up to 30+ posts within this thread. But I just saw it. I gotta laugh. Come on? Lighten up. I've got to give the truck driver som kudos. At least they are being honest about their feelings. They hate Prius...and they'ed like you to move.... Okay? Really nothing wrong with that. I love the fact that they went to the trouble of painting- move- backwards so it will show up correctly in the rear view mirror... I know in Prius Chat...this isn't going to be respected..but I haven't got a problem with "Move" or even "I hate Prius"... I love Prius...and the world goes at the pace it goes at....but I also have a respect for wooden bumpers and spray painted frustration communicated. Better that..than road rage...
Not as deep as the guy I see every morning on the way to work. HIS beat up old F-150 has a bumper sticker that says "LIBERALS SUCK". I can't even figure where to go with that! Maybe, "Conservatives have poor vocabularies" Do you think those words are too big?