I'm on my way to gym and randomly out of no where i see the ugliest truck in the world. I was so lucky i had my camera next to me so i parked and took a picture. =)
Are those stock fogs? They don't look halogen. Interesting... MOVE is written backwards so that you can see it in the rearview mirror.. sounds like someone has personal issues.
The bigger the truck the dumber the right-winger driving it! The Bigger the truck the smaller the mind! The bigger the truck the smaller the.............!
I take offense to the comment of the right winger! I'm one of those radical right wingers and I drive a Prius and a motorcycle, So that's a Biker and a Right Winger!!
I don't know how much this truck owner spends on gas per month, but I bet it is more than the book value of the truck and probably more than the monthly car note of the Prius.
What brand -- Taco Bell? I feel sorry for the truck. It could have been treated well and done its job with respect.
Yes, the "Prius was here" Post-It would have been hilarious, especially if you were to stick around and see their reaction: Reads note. Brow lowers. Grunts. Fist clenches crumpling note. Stomps feet. Hollers to the sky in defeat. Begin banjo music.